Boston Bombings Predicted Gunpowder Treason Conspiracy Comes True

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Boston Bombings Predicted Gunpowder Treason Conspiracy Comes True

April 23rd, 2013

(BeforeItsNews) – Of all of the Boston Bombings conspiracies floating around this one may be the most hair raising because it came true within days of the attack.

This and 10 more Boston Bombings Facts you need to know.

For those not familiar, the online community and the media were made aware of an anoymous tumblr post through a screenshot that was posted inside of the now infamouse 4Chan analysis which multiple media outlets, citing law enforcement officials who confirmed, relyied on to finger the wrong culpirts for the Boston bombing.

Specifically, inside their analysis was the screenshot shown in the image below of an tweet put on the internet by a news source for the Hacker Group Anonymous.

Predicted Boston Bombings Gun Powder Treason Conspiracy Comes True.png

The anonymous tumbler post warned that the culprit would be identified as male in his 20s, would be arrested on friday and the incident would be used limit ammunition purposes because they are going to say the bombs were made with gunpowder.

Here’s the full text:

Warning: Laws being written to screw you.
I work on a security commission and I’ve just received word to start a campaign we’ve been working on for the last two months and now it all makes sense.
I’ll keep it as short as I can.
They’re going to pin this event on a male late teens to early 20s and say he did it because he’s unstable. They are going to find firearms and a NRA book in his home. They are going to say he used reloading powder for the explosion and that reloading powder shouldn’t be for sale to the public. They are then going to say that because the powder in the ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events.
I can’t do anything or I’ll lose my job and possibly face criminal charges. Please don’t let them get away with it. They won’t find the suspects till later this week and the raid is issued to occur on Friday. This is a staged event. The people hurt are real gut the event was planned. Don’t let them hurt our rights.
I’m at work so I used a copy of a picture on another thread. Also please don’t mention me. It will seriously hurt me.

To recap here are the predictions in the post which came true.

• Culprits identified as male in late teens to early 20s.
• Feds found firearms, presence of NRA manual still unconfirmed.
• Reloading powder / gun powder named as the payload used to make the explosives.
• Legislation since introduced to tax and restrict gunpowder sales under the justification it was used to make the bombs.
• Identification, raids, and arrests occurred starting Friday night.

Heavy elaborates further in their article Boston Marathon Bombings Conspiracy Theories: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know, which points out even more red flags about the bombings..

1. The Gunpowder Treason
Remember, remember! / The fifteenth of April, / The Gunpowder treason and plot…

On Monday, April 15, at 6:42 p.m., a little under four hours after the initial bombs went off in Boston on Boylston Street near Copley Square, an anonymous 4chan user posted some fairly portentous information on a thread discussing the bombings. The revelation was screencapped and picked up by @YourAnonNews on Twitter on Friday, April 19, at 6:17 p.m. @YourAnonNews, the official media mouthpiece for the Anonymous organization, tweeted (see attached media):

A transcript reads:

Warning: Laws being written to screw you.
I work on a security commission and I’ve just received word to start a campaign we’ve been working on for the last two months and now it all makes sense.
I’ll keep it as short as I can.
They’re going to pin this event on a male late teens to early 20s and say he did it because he’s unstable. They are going to find firearms and a NRA book in his home. They are going to say he used reloading powder for the explosion and that reloading powder shouldn’t be for sale to the public. They are then going to say that because the powder in the ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events.
I can’t do anything or I’ll lose my job and possibly face criminal charges. Please don’t let them get away with it. They won’t find the suspects till later this week and the raid is issued to occur on Friday. This is a staged event. The people hurt are real gut the event was planned. Don’t let them hurt our rights.
I’m at work so I used a copy of a picture on another thread. Also please don’t mention me. It will seriously hurt me.

Even more alarming, all this came true.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev match the anonymous 4chan user’s description of the “culprit(s).”

The final showdown with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev occurred Friday night.

It is also reported that gunpowder was the main incendiary component for the bombs. The Chicago Tribune reports:

At least one bomb, and possibly both, were built using pressure cookers as the superstructure, black powder or gunpowder [a puzzling distinction, unless the Tribune is confusing modern smokeless powder with gunpowder] as the explosive and ball bearings as additional shrapnel, according to current and former counter-terrorism officials briefed on the matter.

All the while, Wednesday began with speculation by the Examiner that the Boston bombings could be used as a major push for gunpowder control. Hours later, U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) announced two new amendments to his previously floundering efforts for gunpowder control legislation, or his “Explosive Materials Background Check Act” AKA “The Lautenberg Amendment.”

The Examiner summarized the legal jargon of S. 649., S. Amd. 736, , and S. Amd. 737 for us less than legal minds:

Basically, the legislation appears to impose the same background check requirements for the purchase of any amount of black powder or smokeless powder that are now imposed on the purchase of firearms, including, of course, the (in?)famous “Lautenberg Amendment,” which retroactively bans purchases for misdemeanor domestic violence convictions.

Lautenberg’s press release Wednesday elaborated:

In the wake of the deadly bombing attacks in Boston, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) today announced that he will reintroduce legislation he has proposed in a prior Congress to require that sales of explosive powder be subject to a background check. He will also file the legislation as an amendment to the gun violence prevention bill currently on the Senate floor.

It is outrageous that anyone, even a known terrorist, can walk into a store in America and buy explosives without any questions asked…If we are serious about public safety, we must put these common-sense safeguards in place. While the police have not revealed what specific explosive materials were used in Boston, what we do know is that explosive powder is too easy to anonymously purchase across the country.

All this sounds pretty typical following a tragedy, right? After Newtown, people demanded more gun restriction, etc. One problem: Lautenberg’s drafted damnation of all things gunpowder and subsequent amendments came hours before it was confirmed that gunpowder was the main explosive component in the Boston bombings. Was it planned, or is this merely political pandering to public paranoia? It remains to be seen. Where are you when we need you, anonymous 4chan user?

[...] Read Entire Article: Boston Marathon Bombings Conspiracy Theories: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

This anonymous post and its now materialized predictions definitely warrants further investigation by the media and any law enforement agents willing to put their necks on the line to uphold their oath to protect this nation from its enemies.

Source: Before Its News

When I go to:

"I work on a security commission and I’ve just received word"

I stopped reading.

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