Books you wish you never read

Pet Cemetery by Stephen King. I read it once, when it first came out, and it still effects me.

While visiting the Grand Canyon I bought a book about people who have fallen and jumped to their death creeeeeeeeepy

yeah i wanted to read all those playboy magazines too but the pictures were just so distracting.:laughing7: i.e the one with Pam Anderson.

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The Celestine Prophecy. I read it as a young twenty-something on the enthusiastic recommendation of a friend whose opinions I otherwise respected. I found it to be at best a trite and watered-down remix of ideas that eastern philosophies have long grasped more profoundly and articulated far better.

Not a book but a poem,"Where steel winds blow" by Langston Hughes,in the book by the same name edited by Robert Cromie.Changed my outlook forever on war and those who send young men off to fight them!Actually the name of the poem is "Without benefit of declaration"But I always remember it by the other.

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I only Read Books I like .
Even in school, If I didn't like the Book I Could read the Same Sentence 20 Times
and get Bored, Still not Knowing what I read , as my mind would be elsewhere.
yes I Passed & Failed Tests By guessing the answers. so even today if I read a page and think, what did I Just Read ?
I Don't read Further. Or even Remember the Titles.

Of Course I Only Read Real local Histories these days.

and was never into fantasies or sci fi !

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50 shades of grey! Not what I expected, and I can say it's too overhyped. Many of my friends liked it, but not me.

The Associate by John Grisham. The author takes half a novel to build up a plot, then attempts to resolve it in the last three chapters. And resolve it how? Half-heartedly, that's how. Nothing is cleared up, and no justice is served. Things just...become normal again. Trash.

Pet Cemetery by Stephen King. I read it once, when it first came out, and it still effects me.
Horror Movies & Books Don't effect me.
I Do like some Horror, But they never effect me.
The only Horror that effects me is a Good Nightmare where I'm in it,
and Can't tell I'm dreaming. The Best Horror is when I Wake up after a Nightmare,
but am still in it and Wake up again and Still in it. Then have to fight to get out & Stay awake
long enough to Be sure I'm out :laughing7: Deep down I Love those & Haven't had any good ones
I use 8 Hour or more Lucid Dreaming Music on you tube every night to fal1 asleep.
But haven't found any that Produce Nightmares yet :(

Ninth grade English teacher made us read "Great Expectations". It sucked so bad I stopped reading and caught hell every day from the teacher. She would call on me first thing for weeks and I kept saying it was depressing to read and I wouldn't read anymore.

Can't think of any I actually wish I'd never read. Couple in high school I had to read that I didn't like much at all. Been a few I started and lost interest and just passed along or returned.

"Soldiers of Misfortune". Made me so mad I,m still pissed. Actually a good book on the many men forgotten and left behind at the end of WWII and continuing into the Cold War,Korea and Vietnam.Be prepared to have your blood boil if you do read it.

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