Black Rhyolite Bolen spear


Full Member
Dec 10, 2013
SW Virginia
Detector(s) used
Currently researching to buy
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
My spearpoint.jpg

Length 3 7/8 inches
Width 1 1/4 inches

Dated to 6000 BC , Archaic Period

Found this in my photo archives, and thought I would share.

This beauty was found on my 2nd trip to a fossil-bearing creek in eastern NC in February 2010.
Went there to dig for sharks teeth and I wasn't finding much a couple of hours into the day, with temps in the 20's.
Moved a few yards downstream and this beauty appeared in the second basket of gravel from the new spot.

Even with the nice finds that followed--- including a 2" lower Great White, a mosasaur tooth, an Enchodus jaw fragment, and several other goodies--- nothing matched this point!

I have been back to this location many times since, and have found quite a few pottery sherds, but no additional points....

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That's one awesome find! Looks more like a Hardin to me though. Beauty either way

That is a real Gem!

I can see why you keep going back! It does have those nice barbs like the Hardins.

Thanks, everyone.

I had it evaluated thru a friend, who knew a guy in NC with a pretty solid reputation along with a HUGE collection, but the 'evaluation' was done only thru two photos I sent him. He declared it was likely the "plain" versus "beveled" Bolen, and provided a date and basic valuation.
For all I know, each was totally wrong....

Bad a$$ dude thanks for the view!!!

Nice spear ive never seen black rhyolite before only green thanks for the look.

Really nice find of a life time. I would agree with it being a Hardin as Bolens tend to be found more in S. Ga. Florida and the gulf coast states. They are very similar and some type southern Hardins as a high notch Bolen. Most Bolens have a more defined notch, some an E notch, and many are beveled, many are not. Doesn't really matter as that is a great find no matter what you choose to call it.

That is sick!! Hunted NC since I started this hobby over 10 years ago and have never seen anything like that come out of NC. Great find and incredibly fortunate, like winning the lottery!

super nice find

nice one,i would go back often also.

Hey flex, I remember well that point. You posted it on ditchweezles web site right after you found it at GMR! I used to be a big Sharktooth/fossil hunter before I started artifact hunting few years back. I am just as impressed now as when I first saw pic of that point. I am in central va, see you in sw va.

I have a piece of something that looks kind of like that, different I'm sure but see what you think? RSCN3499.JPG To bad it's not all there :(

Thanks again, everyone.
Yeah, I am very proud of it.....likely never find anything else comparable!

Hey flex, I remember well that point. You posted it on ditchweezles web site right after you found it at GMR! I used to be a big Sharktooth/fossil hunter before I started artifact hunting few years back. I am just as impressed now as when I first saw pic of that point. I am in central va, see you in sw va.

Thanks, and good memory!
I rarely ever go back to the BRF site, and haven't posted there in years....not sure if it was due to PCS closing, or just coincidence, but it sure dried up!

I have a piece of something that looks kind of like that, different I'm sure but see what you think?
To bad it's not all there :(

Nice! Wish it were all there for ya, too.
It appears to be a bit shinier than mine, so prolly not rhyolite.
These other guys would be able to give you a lot better idea than I would, tho.

Thanks for sharing!

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