Big copper! FINALLY!

Nick A

Hero Member
May 10, 2007
Columbus Ohio
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer SE Pro, Minelab E-Trac, Fisher CZ3D
It's taken many years for one of these to turn up under my coil. A quick spin at the park after work and I got this sweet 1820! My first large cent and new "oldest coin" It was a few feet away from another detectorist's plug and in ground I've been over a million times before. You just never know. The only other thing of note were four wheats and a little clad.


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A BIG CONGRATS!!! :icon_thumleft:
I'm still looking for one myself. :-\

Congrats on your first large copper. It is a great feeling, isn't it? :headbang:


Awesome find, never found one of those yet! Congratulations..

WTG...nice to get them old coppers especially being a first :headbang:

Way to go Nick! There's nothing like big coppers. I like them more than siver. Creeper's right that there's something going on in that date. It looks like an upright "1" beneath the "2" and a pretty strong line cutting through the zero (yeoman doesn't show that strong line in the zero on his overdate for some reason?).

The sight of a green copper is much better than a silver coin. :icon_thumleft: Great dig!


Fantastic find, congrats on the old copper. The first one is a real thrill. Sounds like this was a "chance" find as it probably wasn't a park way back when - so it must have been a shock to find. I have had two "chance find" coppers out of the blue. One was directly under a horse racing track from the early 1900s and the other was at a kids camp from the 1960s through present (I hate when people talk about their own finds on someone else's string, and now I'm guilty of it, but I thought it maybe it's not so bad to do...)

Way to go on your first big copper! I still remember finding my first one just like it was yesterday. I remember wondering how such a large coin could be lost--I still wonder about that. Creeper and Johnnyi are right, there is something odd about that strike.

Right, it looks like 20 over 19 to me too..Congrats on the nice LC...You will never forget that first one. :thumbsup: jgas

Thanks guys. Not sure about the 19 over 20, you can see more detail in the pic then when you hold it in your hand. It's pretty rough shape, I know, I'm just happy it has a date on it! I did find one other copper ages ago that is super intriguing, but there's not enough detail to identify it at all.

Congrat's on the big copper, and your oldest so far :thumbsup:.

Congratulations Nick, we're all suddenly digging coppers. Tried today and got yet another civil war token from the same small site. :icon_thumright:

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