"I see were you are coming from Johnnyi, but the pictures of Buckles you show donn't have a raised centre bar the one I posted has, my point is the only Buckles that I have found like this are Breeching Dees of Horse tack"
Yes, of course I understand that S.S.. Incidently, the buckle to the right I showed does have the raised bar (doesn't show in picture) but that's not the point. One thing about harness tack is that it usually confoirms to known styles (if itr ain't broke don't fix it) ticm's buckle is entirely different. I posted the differences, yet I hear "tack" over and over, but not any example which remotel;y matches the features of ticm's.
All of us who've spent year's searching old sites here in the U.S. have found scores if not hundreds of harness buckles, many with the raised center bar. A buckle with both the raised center bar AND the one end recessed is very unusual, particularly as the pin rode on the opposite end. I've gone through hundreds and have not come across one. I've been searching the web for an example and have not found one. If the people who say "harness tack" have seen or have found an example like this then they'd be doing ticm a favor, because I doubt he would have posted this example if he didn't recognize these unique differences also.