Best way to dowse while at a locatation


Dec 13, 2012
South Floriduh
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I am a new member to TN which I found while while just stumbling around the web. I found the site interesting in a passing sort of way until I noticed this subsection. Sure buried treasure sounds good, and Ive even done a very limited amount of MDing years ago. But it was never a hobby. When I was younger though I could often "find" stuff if I put my mind to it. I used this little trick or whatever to locate lobster holes and lost anchors, nothing more. I'm older and now dont feel like I would be any better at this exercise then anyone else.

My question are, since I didn't use any "stuff" to do that, was it even dowsing?
Is if possible to recover that ability, if indeed it even existed? By practice? Studying?
what about using rods sticks or the like?

I dont know how effective I was since I never did a formal test. I once lead a fishing party to a strange find though, a PAINTING floating in the water! it was a pretty painting of an oceanside town. since it was an oil painting on a wood backing it was undamaged by the sea water, but clearly had not been in the water long. This painting still hangs in my brothers house 2 decades later. He tracked down the artist by great persistence and it turns out, the guy tossed it overboard from a ship because he was disgusted with it. It should be noted that on that day, I was really looking for fish!:tongue3: I've found propellers and other gear on the bottom for people who lost it. I had to be in the right mindset though and that very quiet, blank, mental state takes effort to achieve. The less I did it the more effort it took, and sometimes I just didn't get there at all. A busy adult life makes it nearly impossible with thoughts of payments, work, insurance, all the other facets of modern living clouding my head. I am a scatter brain anyway, usually.
The part of S.Florida I live in has been settled for centuries. I am sure there is all kinds of interesting stuff out there.
What would be the best way to try to find it?

Thanks Ww

Never underestimate the power of the mind. If you cam imagine it, you can accomplish it, if your mindset is right. Some people don't need helpful instruments to guide them, but most do. Once we come to rely on those, we may lose the ability to function without them. Concentration on anobject may or may not indicate any information about it. Once in a subconscience state, the mind takes full control of your senses and can do things which you are not aware of. Some call these things transits or out of body experiences. Native american shaman used strong smelling herbs and or hullicinagenic herbs to induce these altered states. Each individual is unique, in that we all have that ability, but some are more in tune with their senses and can detect things which other cannot. When you find what works for you, then use it to the best of your ability, and always try to find ways to enhance its power. Good Luck. rockhound

Hello. I am a new member to TN which I found while while just stumbling around the web. I found the site interesting in a passing sort of way until I noticed this subsection. Sure buried treasure sounds good, and Ive even done a very limited amount of MDing years ago. But it was never a hobby. When I was younger though I could often "find" stuff if I put my mind to it. I used this little trick or whatever to locate lobster holes and lost anchors, nothing more. I'm older and now dont feel like I would be any better at this exercise then anyone else.My question are, since I didn't use any "stuff" to do that, was it even dowsing? Is if possible to recover that ability, if indeed it even existed? By practice? Studying?what about using rods sticks or the like?I dont know how effective I was since I never did a formal test. I once lead a fishing party to a strange find though, a PAINTING floating in the water! it was a pretty painting of an oceanside town. since it was an oil painting on a wood backing it was undamaged by the sea water, but clearly had not been in the water long. This painting still hangs in my brothers house 2 decades later. He tracked down the artist by great persistence and it turns out, the guy tossed it overboard from a ship because he was disgusted with it. It should be noted that on that day, I was really looking for fish!:tongue3: I've found propellers and other gear on the bottom for people who lost it. I had to be in the right mindset though and that very quiet, blank, mental state takes effort to achieve. The less I did it the more effort it took, and sometimes I just didn't get there at all. A busy adult life makes it nearly impossible with thoughts of payments, work, insurance, all the other facets of modern living clouding my head. I am a scatter brain anyway, usually. The part of S.Florida I live in has been settled for centuries. I am sure there is all kinds of interesting stuff out there.What would be the best way to try to find it?Thanks Ww
Very interesting story. If you have found a method that works do you really need to test it further?It sounds like an ability to locate things is there. My suggestion would be to take as much time as needed to refine and exploit it. Follow your heart and listen to what that inner voice is telling you and you will eventually discover what direction to go wether it be dowsing, using an MFD, or using no instruments at all. And don't forget along the way to share your abilities with others as that will enhance your own enjoyment in ways you would'nt even think of.Jon

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Very interesting story. If you have found a method that works do you really need to test it further?It sounds like an ability to locate things is there. My suggestion would be to take as much time as needed to refine and exploit it. Follow your heart and listen to what that inner voice is telling you and you will eventually discover what direction to go wether it be dowsing, using an MFD, or using no instruments at all. And don't forget along the way to share your abilities with others as that will enhance your own enjoyment in ways you would'nt even think of.Jon

great read, iam going to try rods at a couple of sites. and viedo it. see what happens.

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whirlwind, i think your way was really great. sounds a lot lot like self hypnosis. if you can take an hour aside once a day for a little while you can probably bring it back to the front. work on that part first and don't let the naysayers get to you. they can,t really scientifically prove that they don't believe anyway. it's just blab, blab.

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