Best of the day....

where around southern ohio u dig, u will have to show me the ropes u keep all, im by cinci

first point's a smoker! Keep at it, be checking any and all ground disturbances...

where around southern ohio u dig, u will have to show me the ropes u keep all, im by cinci

I wouldn't take anyone to any of my sites, I'm pretty stengy with them. You would probably have a hard time keeping up anyway.

I wouldn't take anyone to any of my sites, I'm pretty stengy with them. You would probably have a hard time keeping up anyway.

LMAO, notice the "mma" in T's user name?! Look that up, he's a beast. T is one of the nicest, most unselfish guys on the planet, he wouldn't share your site if you invited him on it but I'd bet you my annual salary that he'd reciprocate and put you on sites that will blow yours away.

LMAO, notice the "mma" in T's user name?! Look that up, he's a beast. T is one of the nicest, most unselfish guys on the planet, he wouldn't share your site if you invited him on it but I'd bet you my annual salary that he'd reciprocate and put you on sites that will blow yours away.
lol.gettin a lil chippy in here.Hey sohio its not good to be stingy with your sites,someday you may not have a good spot to hunt and then you will wish you had a buddy to go huntn with on killer spots.trevmma,1320 u can come to central ohio and hunt with me anytime.

lol 1320 .... ok maybe trev could keep up longer than some people, but I'd still probably have to carry his backpack or something out. As for sites that will blow mine away lol I don't know how to respond to that. We gonna have a peein contest with sites? You have a point creek, maybe I should reconsider being a nevermind.

Trev after thinking about it a bit, I thought it might be neat to hook up with a fellow hunter. I have only met up once with someone to go on a hunt (tmodel) gosh been 10 years or so. I'm afraid he was disappointed on our hunt that day we didn't find much(i found a broken celt), but of course where I go the surface has been eyeballed to death leaving only digging and tmodel wasn't prepared to dig.. I keep the surface of these clearcuts pretty bare . As I remember he got pretty tuckered out just walking. Most of the time with these clearcuts the sites are on average of about 45 minute walk the site I am digging now is around 1hr 15 minute walk uphill all the way. wears me down pretty good before I even get to put a digger in. The site I am digging isn't actually in the clearcut its just out of the clearing in the edge of the woods. Been cutting out trees to get to dig. Logging company logged half this land 1000 acres or so 3 years ago and this year they logged the other half. So if you wanna give it a try let me know, that goes for anyone who wants to challenge my adena hilltops. And I wouldn't want to keep anyones finds. Wouldn't that be sacralige ?

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lol.gettin a lil chippy in here.Hey sohio its not good to be stingy with your sites,someday you may not have a good spot to hunt and then you will wish you had a buddy to go huntn with on killer spots.trevmma,1320 u can come to central ohio and hunt with me anytime.

Well said and thank you. That's why I share......

That's really sweet guys must have had the same preschool teacher.

I hunted with T last year for a full two days and all we could muster was a few scrapers and brokes...and he wanted to come back for more. He wasn't the least bit dissappointed. Those of us who search often know that days and weeks like this happen and no matter how hard the conditions, just keep coming back for more. It's not about being a heavyweight, it's the thrill of the find that pushes a man up to and beyond his personal limits, it takes him to a place where the pain doesn't exsist. The two days that T and I hunted...a short walk but up a very steep cliff, 83 degrees F, 85% humidity. Our shirts were soaked before the first sifter was shaken. We also had to deal with some hard hitting horse flies. Absolutely the worst conditions I've ever dug. T never took a break for two days except to swish down some fluids. He picked up and moved several rocks that weighed a hundred or more pounds, moved a small tree with the root ball still attached...that thing probably weighed 500 pounds at least. His sifter is nearly 3.5 feet square made of 2x4's, dang, I couldn't lift it at the end of the day. T is an exception, he is a genetic monster. He wanted me to use the shovel to whack a horsefly on his back that he couldn't reach, and he meant it! The guy feels no pain.

I'm not trying to sell T to you as a hunting partner, your thread has provided me an opportunity to relive that miserable weekend and share the experience. Often times I think I'm alone in regard to the punishment I give myself to chase artifacts, it's nice hearing that others have a rough time as well. I use to walk fields and I found that to be more miserable than digging. While not as physically challenging, I could seldom find relief from the sun. At least in a shelter, there is shade. My hat is off to all the heavyweights out there that push your limits.

hay!--everybody Sohio!!'s Tmodel is not the same one that is on tnet now, hove used this AKA sence 1966 CB handle and then Tnet. 10years ago yea we would have seen who walked or worked who down. Terry!! AKA tmodel!! on central highland rim of Tennessee

ok i didn't understand your post there. Are you terry that went hunting with me? And cried and cried to go because it was hot and you were tired lol just kidding.

I hunted with T last year for a full two days and all we could muster was a few scrapers and brokes...and he wanted to come back for more. He wasn't the least bit dissappointed. Those of us who search often know that days and weeks like this happen and no matter how hard the conditions, just keep coming back for more. It's not about being a heavyweight, it's the thrill of the find that pushes a man up to and beyond his personal limits, it takes him to a place where the pain doesn't exsist. The two days that T and I hunted...a short walk but up a very steep cliff, 83 degrees F, 85% humidity. Our shirts were soaked before the first sifter was shaken. We also had to deal with some hard hitting horse flies. Absolutely the worst conditions I've ever dug. T never took a break for two days except to swish down some fluids. He picked up and moved several rocks that weighed a hundred or more pounds, moved a small tree with the root ball still attached...that thing probably weighed 500 pounds at least. His sifter is nearly 3.5 feet square made of 2x4's, dang, I couldn't lift it at the end of the day. T is an exception, he is a genetic monster. He wanted me to use the shovel to whack a horsefly on his back that he couldn't reach, and he meant it! The guy feels no pain.

I'm not trying to sell T to you as a hunting partner, your thread has provided me an opportunity to relive that miserable weekend and share the experience. Often times I think I'm alone in regard to the punishment I give myself to chase artifacts, it's nice hearing that others have a rough time as well. I use to walk fields and I found that to be more miserable than digging. While not as physically challenging, I could seldom find relief from the sun. At least in a shelter, there is shade. My hat is off to all the heavyweights out there that push your limits.

Thanks for this post . Terry that hunted with me and his pal were great guys ....gosh I guess I joke too much you guys have to lighten up. I think most people are great on here even ole SVR but just like on arrowheadology everyone misses my jokes or something and gets too serious. I don't get that. But anyway the horsefly LMAO. And just to clear the record here I am no better of a man, hunter, digger, worker etc than any of you heck I only weigh 120 lbs.

i mean that i have never hunted with you, and please unless it was your Tmodel's name , do not give him my name, you are learning why i do not kidd around on Tnet miss understud to offen. hang in here and maybe we can all mellow out same just please do not mix me up with anyone elese i do enought all by myself. Terry

120 pounds no wander you can out walk most everbody a lot less to carry. me now at 220, 10 year ago 175 same as senior highscool. Terry

sorry for the mixup :icon_thumleft: I don't know why I thought you were that fella :icon_scratch:

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