Best brand and site to order from

For pans I like the Garret. It has the nice little lip on the bottom for the gold to settle in. As far as classifiers I like the Keene metal bottom style. They are strong and the metal doesn't build up with material like the GPAA plastic classifier if your material happens to be a little moist. As far as a store ask Kevin in Colorado. He will know.

Good Luck!

BH Prospector

Hey, two stores in metro Denver:
1. Clear Creek Prospecting Supply, I-25 to 70th Ave, just west past. Broadway, S side of road. Been open a year or two. Host the local GPAA chapter and can sell you the membership pack. Run by a couple and another guy (who makes a lot of the sluices they sell. Real prospectors, Johnny used to run guided prospecting adventures too. Somewhat limited inventory but there for just one purpose - small scale mining.

2. Gold-N-Detectors, Washington St just north of Clear Creek in central Golden. Been there for many years. Have a wider range of products but quite a bit of focus on detecting too. Sells my favorite field pan, the Proline Professional. Owned by Louise but when Bill sold her the store, he never left! Every day he's on a stool in the back answering questions...but often tersely! Smart questions happily answered, newbies occasionally tolerated if they act humble ;-) They sell Angus Mackirk sluices which I like although not as much as I like Bazooka. Goldtraps!

Cabella's is also in town and they have a half aisle of prospecting gear but I prefer to support the local shops.

I recommend getting 20 and 50 mesh screens right away if you can afford to. Classifying makes finish panning soooo much easier. Also a good magnet to pull the iron sands out for separate prospecting.

I second the Proline Professional pan!! My favorite round pan by far.

I will probably get the 20 and 50 mesh pans my plan is the 1/4 and half inch classifers two pans snuffer bottle and buckets. Did not think bout the magnite will putt it on my list. Am i missing anything

Garrett sluice pan, and a seasoned metal pan coustomized cheater riffles for cleanups. Support the small local guy. Im also trying out the aussie turbo pan now.

Garrett sluice pan, and a seasoned metal pan coustomized cheater riffles for cleanups. Support the small local guy. Im also trying out the aussie turbo pan now. Oh you are missing a small funnel, this will help you put your gold into a sample vial after cleanup. They cost like 2 bucks.

Imma go to the shop in golden i think. I try and support local shops if their priced right but in this case i think the answers advice id get from the local shop is worth payin alittle more.
I had planned to go today when i went for my mri but the snow stopped that

The snuffer bottle works great all by itself to put your gold into the vial. You just have to unscrew the top and remove the straw assembly first.
Put the top back on and then just tip the spout of the snuffer bottle into the top of the vial and swirl, the gold just falls down through the snuffer bottle into the bottom of the vial.

Afterward, put the straw assy back into the snuffer bottle......... easy breezy. :icon_thumleft:


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Im hopin ill get enough gold i want need it. Likely wont have enough to need it

Im hopin ill get enough gold i want need it. Likely wont have enough to need it

It only takes one speck of gold to need a snuffer bottle and vial. :tongue3:

Nuggets though are another story.........


What if you find chunks of gold bigger than the sniffer bottle?

Screw off the top and drop it in. If it is bigger than the top call me I'll hold in my pocket for you.

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What if you find chunks of gold bigger than the sniffer bottle?

I put em in my poke ......

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