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Since my last post, I made another "Gutterclean out" sluice this time i'm using 3 small Dream mats (For Banjo pans) it definitely catches the micro fine flee poop gold i have at my local beach. Having said that, I'm still not convinced it actually catches more than my V mat (First gutter clean out) the dream mat gutter is shorter by about 20" and I've noticed that sand washes off the mats and runs out (Working on thought of how to prevent that) for now, I'm simply re running the tailings 2-3 times. I also tried making "Recycling sluice" with my both of my sluices I use on my local beach however my 500GPH sump pump cant supply enough water. Water simply runs under the riffles through the mats. I did fab up a PVC header pipe out of some 1" PVC I Had to use in my sluices. Today, i got my new 1100GPH pump and a new hose as the new pumps outlet is 1 1/8" Haven't tried the new pump yet.
Tides at my local beach back in begining of month were nasty and left my previous dig spot covered in 2 feet of drift wood, huge logs, and tree litter. Did some test pans of black sand streaks down from last dig area ( Out towards the coast) and had poor results. Uncovered an area that was close to my last dig spot and took many test pans trying to locate the good pay sand spot I dug last summer and eventually found it. 3-4 days ago I set up my sluices again (Early start for my season) and ran buckets throughtbe sluices (Bucket is a square 3 gal size) had to finish up as it was early afternoon wind had picked up, and tide was headed in and getting within 30 yards of the sluices. Cleaned the mats at home and had about 2" of cons to run in gutter clean out. Got 300-400 colors easily from first exposure maybe another 100 in the following exposure's from first pan. Had about the same from next run finishing off the new concentrates.
I ran the tailings again in both dream mat and V mat gutters. First over tbe dream mat and got maybe 70-80 colors then ran tailings (All) again over my V mat. Was a little surprised when over 100 showed up. I knew I'd see some, bht wasn't expecting that much. Ran the tailings again over V mats and recovered maybe 30 colors total this time. I dont have pictures on this tablet but do have them on my phone so next time i login on my phone i'll get some shots posted. Cleaned out my snuffer bottle today, 2nd picture.
Tides at my local beach back in begining of month were nasty and left my previous dig spot covered in 2 feet of drift wood, huge logs, and tree litter. Did some test pans of black sand streaks down from last dig area ( Out towards the coast) and had poor results. Uncovered an area that was close to my last dig spot and took many test pans trying to locate the good pay sand spot I dug last summer and eventually found it. 3-4 days ago I set up my sluices again (Early start for my season) and ran buckets throughtbe sluices (Bucket is a square 3 gal size) had to finish up as it was early afternoon wind had picked up, and tide was headed in and getting within 30 yards of the sluices. Cleaned the mats at home and had about 2" of cons to run in gutter clean out. Got 300-400 colors easily from first exposure maybe another 100 in the following exposure's from first pan. Had about the same from next run finishing off the new concentrates.
I ran the tailings again in both dream mat and V mat gutters. First over tbe dream mat and got maybe 70-80 colors then ran tailings (All) again over my V mat. Was a little surprised when over 100 showed up. I knew I'd see some, bht wasn't expecting that much. Ran the tailings again over V mats and recovered maybe 30 colors total this time. I dont have pictures on this tablet but do have them on my phone so next time i login on my phone i'll get some shots posted. Cleaned out my snuffer bottle today, 2nd picture.
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