Beach hunting today


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2005
Sand Springs, OK
Detector(s) used
ACE 250, Garrett
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went down to the beach this morning, the one where I nearly killed myself last time. It's a lot easier when you go down a footpath trail than crashing through the underbrush.? Met a hobo on the beach.? Woke him up as he was sound asleep on a blanket when I went by.? I asked him if he lived on the beach and he said no, he just camps out there in the summer time, he actually lives in his car!? Took my Sea Hunter Mk II and worked a small section for a couple of hours,? I found $0,48 in clad, a small matchbox car, a big Uncle Henry folding hunting knife,a dozen or so tent pegs,? some aliuminum cans at more than a foot deep, a digging trowel (some detectorist's loss?)a house key and a hundred globs of melted aluminum.? I didn't get into the water today except to rinse off my equipment.? I had planned on going to a different place and didn't have my scoop with me!? Anyway, it sure was fun and there was a cool breeze coming in off the water.? It sure is difficult to readapt to a PI machine after using my GTI 2500.? Every legit target sounds like a silver ring regardless of what it really is!? After I got home I found out my 10.5 eliptical coil had arrived so I gotta' go test it soon. Next time I hope to get my feet wet again as the lake has cleared up quite a bit.? You have to be careful on one end of the beach becausethe main channel drops off to 80 feet straight down!? Knowing the lake is a plus for me.? ? ?Until next time......................JIM

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Be carefull out there Jim. We recently lost a fine man while water hunting when he stepped off a sand bar and drowned.

Switching over from a VLF to a PI is quite a change. Incredible depth but with most PIs -a dig it all situation. I am afraid if you want the gold rings you will just have to dig all the aluminium.

I too am entering the PI world as my new Goldscan 5 just arrived this morning. This is new PI technology and mine is only the 4th one made so far. Has 2 tone ID and is an advancement in iron ID.I won't be using it at the beach as I don't coin shoot anymore- just gold nugget hunting. There is a learning curve here as I am going to have to spend some time learning the different metal tones.

Have fun

hay Jim.. should of gave the cans to the beach bum...the thing with the pi is you will dig stuff up that you would not ordinary dig... this is a good thing..just remember to use a scoop with the pi because you can even get a signal on a hypodermic are two fake gold ear rings i dug...when i put them under the VLF i get nothing...see them two nickles they have been in the sand for awhile...that means there are rings that have been past over and over


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This tragic accident happened to Wayne Otto of Outdoor Outfitters over two weeks ago. The story below was taken from another forum.

Associated Press news - Monday 8-15-05
(Tomahawk, Wisconsin) ... A 42-year-old Oconomowoc, Wisconsin man who walked to an island in Lake Nokomis with a metal detector drowned after he took a different route back to the shore and fell into a deep hole in the lake, authorities said.

Wayne Otto was pulled from the lake by companions and bystanders about 5:30 pm Sunday, but efforts to revive him failed, said Nick Peterson, a dispatcher for the Lincoln County (WI) Sheriff's Department.

The drop-off that Otto fell into was about 11 feet deep, Peterson said.
Many metal detector dealers and detectorists knew Wayne as an operator of Outdoor Outfitters, a major distributor of treasure hunting equipment in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Our prayers, sympathy and support go out to Wayne's wife, Teri, and their young children ... and to his family, friends and co-workers. God Bless.


Although I don't pass up a coin I don't intentionally just coin shoot. ?Since there's not much gold around here except jewelry I mainly look for jewelry. ?I found seven and a half rings in July and none in August! ? That half ring was lawnmower cabbage and I found the half with a small diamond in it. ?I worked my butt off in August too! ?Guess I was trying too hard huh? ?This lake has literally dozens of out of the way beaches but you can only get to them by boat. ?When I had my boat I knew this lake like the palm of my hand, where all the boaters anchored up and had cook outs and swimming parties, etc. ?Trouble is, I sold my boat and don't have a way to get to them now! ?I gotta' ?find a pal with a boat to hunt with! ?There are also any number of old abandoned ?home places just off the beach that I know about but ditto. ?I have never seen anyone detecting any of the beaches and home sites and there is no sign of digging, etc on any of them. ?Potential gold mines but no way to reach them by land. ?Anyone around the Tulsa area with a boat that might want a guide? ?And don't worry, I am very careful around the water. ?Too cautioius if anything. ?Well, good lucik to all and lets see some really good finds! ?JIM

jim: glue or tywrap a good magnet in your scoop to catch the small bobby pins etc. that will fall through the holes. will save a lot of scooping with a P.I.

I have a magnet that will pick up a bicycle. Thought about just sticking it to the inside of the scoop. Ans yes I did recover a bunch of bobby pins! Man that machine is sensitive JIM

congrats on getting out Jiim, In my scoop the magnet is attached to the inside base of scoop, by the magnet itself.
keep us posted on your finds

My scoop is heavy duty aluminum so a magnet won't stick to it! I was studying it today to figure out how I could attach the darn thing to the scoop! I has a heavy rubber cover so I suppose I could drill a hole and use a stainless steel screw to hold it? JIM


Use some zip ties.

BTW I have 5 boats down at Tablerock lake.
Guess I need to go out and hunt some of those out of the way beaches.

NICE HAUL - JIM - the woods in Ohio r starting to open up - allot of the weeds r dying out - opening up some areas i couldnt hunt last spring when i bought my detector - cause i tell u what with gas the way it is - i wont drive to any place to hunt - i had a friend whos mom (was in her early 80s) and his brother lived on the beaches of hawaii until she passed away - what they lived on ??? but they did -
the same lady was a lady friend of a original singer in the coasters band from the 50-60's (trivial i know but fun) ;D good luck in your hunting - LBP -

I live about ten minutes from the dam of a huge man made lake. Nearest beach about 20 minutes, so I don't have to drive far and with the price of gasoline I won't go far either! The beaches that can be reached by auto are hunted hard but there are dozens of beaches that can be reached only by boat. I have seen a couple of old home foundations from the water and found a ton of broken plates, bottles etc where another one must have been. I know there are more if I would just look for them. They are all on public land, within the floodplain of the lake too. One of these days! There's a $4.00 user fee to launch a boat but the beaches and old home sites you could reach are free and open once you launch your boat. Anyone local with a boat wants to go, contact me. JIM

Great finds! Do you have a kayak or inflatable you could use? Thats what i do, just gotta strap the detector on so you can still paddle without hittin your elbow on it ;D

Don't have ankthing that floats Jake except me! This is almost an inland sea, about 50 miles long. With a kayak it might take me two days to get there! I thought about looking for one of those inflatables that take a motor and buy a 20 hp motor or so but an outboard is $1500.00! Just have to find a pal to hunt with I guess! JIM

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