Jr. Member
Due to having some issues buying a new bazooka, I set out in search of a used one. A nice member here informed me he had one for sale so after meeting up with him and picking up my new to me bazooka I was ready to hit the water. I met up with a buddy after work one day last week and went to a creek close by and set it up. After running 4 buckets it started to get dark so we pulled it out and panned the cons and found a a substantial amount of flour gold for the amount of material ran, we were very pleased. We were itching to get back out and had a few hours free yesterday so we headed out to a different creek where we've had good success in the past with our Keene boxes. After taking an hour to build a good wing dam on a low flow creek we were able to start running material. We ran 10 buckets of unclassified material in a little over an hour and a half. We split the cons between two pans and in my buddies pan sat our first real picker. We found a substantial amount of flour gold again with a bit of flake as well. I still have a lot of flour tied up in black sands that I'm waiting to separate. We gots little under half a gram just from the stuff I did pan out and put in a vial. Overall the bazooka has already proven itself to be a very quick, efficient, and fun box for us. We're itching to get back out again now!