Battle of Clarks Mill (Vera Cruz) info


Jr. Member
Mar 30, 2008
Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

Hey there folks. Been a long time since I checked in. Had some health and money problems,
but doing much better now.
We hope to get down to our 80 acres, west of Gainesville sometime this summer. I've been
curious about the CW battle at Clark's Mill. Is there any detectable land in the area? My minimal
research skills haven't turned up much in the way of useable leads. Or, has this area been beat
to death?

HH everyone.............................tap

Re: Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

Hey Tap, the area itself is a protected historical site so no hunting. I had thoughts also about trying to find some place to hunt around the bounderies on private land just havent had time to go down and start seeking permission. If you want a hunting partner let me know, would love to get out and stomp around a little. I would need advance notice as my schedule is kind of odd.

Re: Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

You got a deal, Rob. I've had good luck at knocking on doors and talking to the locals around here in IL. Just smile, make eye contact, explain that I'm a history buff and promise to haul out junk and show the owner any finds (within reason... :wink:) I don't
know when we'll be down there, but I'll be in touch.

Re: Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

Tap....Im from that area was raised about 5 miles from there.Jack Vineyard actually owned the land where the battle took place at the old site of Redbud(veracruz).Im sure I read where he passed on and now his son owns it.Ive always heard they are not too tolerant with treasure Hunters.However those bottoms up and down bryant and hunter both ought to have lots of activity and a little door knocking might get you on at least some of them.
My Grandad helped build the old camp Joy log church.Lots of history in that area.Know for fact of a rifle barrel that came out of the creek bank down there and another field plowed up a bayonet.I think they were all over that area.Ive hunted and fished all over that country.My Dad was raised at the the mouth of the drive that goes up to the Vineyard place. ;D
The university M columbia sent out a paper to all the locals in that area last winter trying to get permission to do some excavating.The way I heard tell eveybody had to sign and agree before they could do it.They didnt get it cause I talked to a few that I know said No.Anyway hope this helps....HB ;D

Re: Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

Hello Buff, where do you live now? I am in Seymour but was raised South of Cabool and used to be all over that area.

Re: Battle of Clark's Mill (Vera Cruz) info

momxt....I live in west plains now.The wifes from the Dora area.We used to live just up from twin bridges but live out here in town now....Do heat and air repair got really busy Now all of a sudden :icon_sunny:!.............HB

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