Battle of Carthage


Jr. Member
Jun 20, 2012
Went to the site in Carthage today and you can see where someone has been digging. That can't be legal can it? Also found some names w dates carved into the rocks. The ones that are hard to make out, how can I make it so that I can read them? Here is one that I think I can make out. Can any of you make it out? Was it common for the men that fought to carve their name into a rock or something on the battle field. I ask only bc there is a wealth of info here and I am trying to learn all that I can. I have many questions about this place if anyone wouldn't mind answering some of them I would be very grateful.



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I read in the paper recently ( I live near Springfield) that there was to be an archaelogical dig at the battle of Carthage. They were looking for metal detector owners to volunteer their services. All items found would ofcourse be turned over...Steve

It looked as if someone was doing some digging. After the rain you could see where the dirt had settled.

I would think that it would be a pretty good place to find something since both armies camped in the same spot.

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