I know the idea is a stready flow of material and water into a sluice to it can be tuned. but my idea as a one man opperastor was to be able to dump a buckit in the distruction chamber ( term doc at gold hog uses for his header box) and walk away while the water blastng in chews up any dirt clods or cemented aluvium. and being a fan of taking everything including the kitchen sink I put matting in ther distruction chamber under a punch plate and then the material washes out onto a sluice shaped punch plate 5 feet long that I angled 10 degrees upward so the materal stays and gets washed untill pulled out with a hoe. under this grizzly I have the first sluice section of the highbanker then another sluice section under that so the water stops and changes direction and then finally run out onto sluice sections running down the hill. the highbanker width was 12 inch then a number of 9 inch sections placed at differnt slopes then back to 12 inch wide with gold hog matts in that section ( the rest mostly being home made matts of conveyor belting cut with a radial arm saw and one of the 9 inch sections being conveyor matting with strips of conveyor matting ( 3/8th inch thick glued on top) totle length came in at 35 feet and catch area at 42 square feet with the last section an 18 inch wide conveyor matting with slots cut with a curcular saw.
I found some gold all the way down and this bothered some friends who maintain gold is usually all caught up in the top couple feet. insteed of cleaning out regularly would run for a couple days then clean out.
but I would like to go bigger maybe ass a wash table above the highbanker to wash off larger rocks ( 12 inch wide highbanker seems not to like rocks bigger than say 6 inch) was thinking with the wash table maybe fee it with several buckits at a time or even with a small tractor. proble have table toped with matting and maybe a punch plate.
the question is are there some better ideas short of an auto loaded to feed in a steady suply of gravel from a hopper. I keep thinking of adding things like a trommel where I am digging so that I only buckit half inch minus material to the highbanker, and or maybe wash the secong half of the tromel and use a syplen nozzel to carry the fines to the highmanker so I am not toating buckits of mud. thankyou for any suigestions. I keep getting more ideas in my head than I can try even saw a vidio where a guy had a wooded railroad with ore cars hand pushed to feed his high banker but his set up had the highbanker down hill from the area he was digging so the trackks werr flat, I want to put the highbanker at the top of the claim so that the washed material can latter be moved down hill for reculmation purposes
I found some gold all the way down and this bothered some friends who maintain gold is usually all caught up in the top couple feet. insteed of cleaning out regularly would run for a couple days then clean out.
but I would like to go bigger maybe ass a wash table above the highbanker to wash off larger rocks ( 12 inch wide highbanker seems not to like rocks bigger than say 6 inch) was thinking with the wash table maybe fee it with several buckits at a time or even with a small tractor. proble have table toped with matting and maybe a punch plate.
the question is are there some better ideas short of an auto loaded to feed in a steady suply of gravel from a hopper. I keep thinking of adding things like a trommel where I am digging so that I only buckit half inch minus material to the highbanker, and or maybe wash the secong half of the tromel and use a syplen nozzel to carry the fines to the highmanker so I am not toating buckits of mud. thankyou for any suigestions. I keep getting more ideas in my head than I can try even saw a vidio where a guy had a wooded railroad with ore cars hand pushed to feed his high banker but his set up had the highbanker down hill from the area he was digging so the trackks werr flat, I want to put the highbanker at the top of the claim so that the washed material can latter be moved down hill for reculmation purposes