Back to the soccer feilds yet again


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Jan 7, 2006
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Back to the Soccer complex once again.
Pickings are beginning to slim down a bit.


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By the time you get done those will be some CLEAN soccer fields! ;D

Where are you located? I recognized a token in one of your last posts...


Might be slimming down, but hopefully a piece of gold hiding there!!

Looks like you did your share of cleaning the park. Nice......

Never give up. No place stops producing completely. Hammer it hard and slow. Something is still hiding there :icon_sunny:

One of the tags you had in the picture from last week was of the Plano Soccer Fest. I've found 4 of those and wondered if we were crossing tracks around these parts. ;D

Looks like your fields are much better than ours here.


The great thing about soccer fields (at least around here) is that they continue to replenish themselves at an alarming rate. We have a park with at least 20 fields and thousands of people come in several nights a week. They have to hire police officers to direct traffic because it gets so crazy. They keep them locked when not in use so I have problems getting over there and detecting without a ton of other people being there.

Now you can impress your friends with your reading ability :D :thumbsup:

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