Ba Lou Snozz pyramid

leslie(nova scotia)

Silver Member
Sep 22, 2006
lower sackville,nova scotia
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Pyramid of Ba Lou Snozz 11
Let it be said that this is a tall tale that has been given credence. The exploration of the "Valley of the Fisherman" was not on the agenda. However having said this one could not ignore the sign from the gods.
After much deliberation Queen Hunny Bunny yielded after she deciphered the rock of ages messages. This done her crown began to shine. The message stated that one must go 10 copeks north to where there is sand . It also stated that the Rug Ratis Tribe were protective of their territory. Violating this could lead to all out coil and shovel attack. Not thwarted by this warning Nogo proceeded with caution and there it was. Slightly protruding from the "Box of Sand" that was built eons ago.
Excited by this we started digging till the whole pyramid was exposed. A glitter underneath near the base of the structure hastened our efforts which were rewarded with finding the royal burial chamber untouched. Was this to be grave robbing or the pursuit of knowledge and wealth. You be the judge. All the articles were removed from the chamber which started to collapse immediately after the last artifact was removed. Luckily the Queen and I were safe. Going to the nearest rest station we thanked the gods by eating a double ice cream. The big question is how such an ancient civilization had access to bury such future devices to but in the chamber? WE ARE NOT ALONE!br3.jpg

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Another place I have seen these underground tombs is in China. Very ancient there. Maybe the tradition was transposed from there, perhaps through the centre of the earth. When we were kids, I remember warning one another not to dig too deep a hole, or we would come out in China.

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