AVC Button,


Silver Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Back mark.webpI found this in Whitfield County, And Can't seem to find out much about it, The Back mark say's "SCOVILL MFG CO WATERBURY "
ScovillMfg across the top And Waterbury across the bottom. All in Capital Letters and having a star in between the "S and W"
and between the "O and Y ". The Button is a Two piece and is 20.74 mm across. I can't find this back mark in my Albert's book,
My book is The 16th printing Dec. of 1976, Which may have something to do with that. Anybody ??AVC Button.webp

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Please excuse Gunrunner61....he just stepped out to change his underwear after austin's post. Wow.....Congrats:hello2:

Sounds like BANNER to me. :wav:

Sent my BANNER VOTE......hope she gets it

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Wow! I want one of those! Go ALABAMA!

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I'm sorry to have to deflate Gunrunner61's balloon by 80% after a dose of hot air was pumped into it ...but, facts are facts. Who says his excavated (dug) AVC button is worth $2,500? I'm asking because I want to make a quick $2,000 profit by buying excavated AVC buttons like Gunrunner61's at any major civil war relic show for about $500 and re-selling them for $2,500. Or by buying one online, like here:
at $465.

Or here (scroll down to item SBTN9):
at $495.

AVC (Alabama Volunteer Corps) buttons in non-excavated ("non-dug") condition sell for between $875 and $1,250, Go here:
William Leigh: Confederate State Buttons

Gunrunner61, it's a wonderful find, and quite scarce, but a dug one is not in the $1,000-and-up Rarity Class. Even so, I'll gladly give your find a Banner vote. :)

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TheCannonballGuy is the man......Still very much a BANNER find......Makes my little NY button I dug this afternoon kinda pale in comparison.:icon_thumleft:

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Austin, I'm sorry to have to deflate Gunrunner61's balloon by 80% after you pumped so much hot air into it ...but, facts are facts. Who told you his excavated AVC button is worth $2,500? I'm asking because I want to make a quick $2,000 profit by buying excavated AVC buttons like Gunrunner61's at any major civil war relic show for about $500 and re-selling them for $2,500. Or by buying one online, like here:
at $465.

AVC (Alabama Volunteer Corps) buttons in non-excavated condition sell for between $875 and $1,250, Go here:
William Leigh: Confederate State Buttons

Gunrunner61, it's a wonderful find, and quite scarce, but a dug one is not in the $1,000-and-up Rarity Class. Even so, I'll gladly give your find a Banner vote. :)

Whew:notworthy: You just saved my life! Was right in the middle of fallin to da floor with a BIG imitation of Fred Sanford(It's the big one Elizabeth!!!!)
Man that was close, It's not now or ever (as long as I breath) for sale. But I do thank Austin for the rush ! I have four maybe five Confederate Buttons now
Cast I, Block I iron back w/shank, N.C. sun burst one piece wo/shank, AVC two piece W/shank and what I'm told is a Confederate naval iron back WO/shank.
which I think I'll dig out and post in a few minutes for confirmation from yous guy's, Thank you all for the Banner votes, Whether or not it makes it. It's nice to know that you folks think so. Thank You Again.

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Hey, I just found that website I posted and saw what someone, somewhere was asking or paying. I'm just the messenger. So off my case potato face...

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That's cool you guys find civil war era stuff there =) HH aloha.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

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Hey, I just found that website I posted and saw what someone, somewhere was asking or paying. I'm just the messenger. So off my case potato face...

We are all adults on this forum, And The CannonBallGuy Is one of a hand full of People on that are a wealth of information on anything from Cannon Ball's
Down to Breezie and Lip stick tubes. Maybe He told it straight up, And that hurt your feelings, Thats no reason to start name calling. It would have been alot easier to just say "I looked at the site again and your right, No harm ment." And left it at that. Couse I can tell you if you hang around anytime at all you will wind up wanting , or maybe needing his help at some point. I'm not trying to start anything, It's just that if I'd known that someone whom I respect alot was going to be called names .....Hell I would have never posted it...Excuse my language mod's. Er'body makes mistakes the adults own up to them....jmho

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Austin, the $2,500 button at the link you posted is an MVC button ...not an AVC button. The info right next to it even spells out "Mobile Volunteer Corps" -- not an AVC, which is what Gunrunner61 found. Care to apologize to Gunrunner61 now, for vastly misleading him by posting the value of the wrong kind of button? Care to apologize for calling me "potato face" because I pointed out your huge error?

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I personally think TheCannonBallGuy is one of our biggest assets and think the comment was out of line to say the least. Lets just hope Austin was having a bad day and not prone to such childish comments on a regular basis. Lets get back to finding stuff and hope our scholars will continue to be kind enough to help us put them in their proper place in history.

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Cannonball Guy IS the man. Without him many of us, myself included, would not have half the ID's that we need to learn about our finds. When I post a what is it 90% of the time it's this guy who comes through with a plethora of information. I stand behind Cannonball Guy. Lets cut him some slack. "Can't we just all get along?"

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I've appreciated the respect y'all give me. I do try to be worthy of your respect.

Explanation of why I "firmly corrected" the poster who gave Gunrunner61 the VERY incorrect dollar-value information:
Way too frequently in the past 30-something years, I've seen diggers get given a vastly unrealistic dollar-value for their find. That causes the mis-informed digger to be floating on air for weeks, if not months. Then, his feelings crash back to earth when Reality inevitably kills the fantasy created by the mis-information.

The mis-information can also cause the digger to turn down an excellent offer for the relic, because the offer isn't close enough to the fantasy dollar-value he was given.

Regarding this particular case of mis-informing a digger, I have to add:
It's one thing when a person gives the digger information from a book or website which has incorrect information. It's quite another thing when the info-giver did not even bother to make sure the dollar-value he gave is for the same kind of relic the digger has found. Gunrunner found an AVC (Alabama) button, not an MVC (Mobile) button.

Gunrunner61 himself says that my quick-action "corrective" post saved him from a heart attack. I realize that he is probably exaggerating at least slightly. ;-) But my point stands. Please don't set up a digger for a very painful crash back to earth by giving him incorrect information -- and especially, don't give him an unrealistically inflated dollar-value.

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