Australian student and 89 year old WW2 vet murdered

In both incidences it was black teenagers murdering whites, but there is no such thing as black on white hate crimes, only white on black. I, for one, am getting very tired of this double standard being shoved down my throat.

I really don't care about the color of the partisipants and this should not even be a factor. It is the reason for the killing that should matter. That is if it was self defence or a deliberate attack without just reason. Using the phrase 'Hate Crime' is just a way for the Federal Gov. to stick there nose in the State jurisdiction.
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Well I'd be asking that question of the Media if,
but only IF . it was a Wanna Be cop who stalked & killed them.
because they were strangers to him, & they tried to defend themselves.
Like I was lead to believe from all the reports .

Now I didn't read the story so if that's the case, never mind,

But Color of Skin ?
Sorry ! I find it kind of odd to Complain they picked on Zimmmy because he was white,
then turn around and look for black people to pick on.(at least color of skin was not my problem, acting like he owned the
neighborhood was

Just my opinion of course :dontknow:
and since I read posts in Everything else, I couldn't help giving mine :laughing7:

update: Just saw the Beating of the 88-Year-Old, Story on the local News & there
apparently is Outrage.
I just don't see a comparison to the Zimmerman Case
since these were apparently hoodlooms & they are not portraying themselves
as , or being portrayed as
heroes or neighborhood watch, who believe they have a right to "Clean up" the neighborhood, then
saw a person walking at night who they felt shouldn't be there.

I know nothing on the Australian student.
was he, or she, visiting here & stalked for being young and a stranger ?

Not attacking your opinion of course, Just disagreeing with the comparison :skullflag:

& actually the Newspapers are pushing their agenda, from what I see :

Title : 89-Year-Old Wounded WWII Vet Beaten to Death by Two Black Teens

If it were My newspaper the title would be "man Beaten to Death by teens "
the rest of the title doesn't matter. personally if he was an 89 year old
criminal & was beaten to death I'd be just as Outraged.
just like the zimmerman case, headine should have been "Man Shoots & kills teen"

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The Australian student was shot in the back while out running by the black youth who posted on the webb that he hated whites. He said he was bored so he decided to kill one. Does that change your opinion Jeff? Frank...

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The Australian student was shot in the back while out running by the black youth who posted on the webb that he hated whites. He said he was bored so he decided to kill one. Does that change your opinion Jeff? Frank...

on that one it doesn't change My opinion, because I didn't have one.
But now My opinion is That's just plain Stupid, & if true & not media Hype,
I hope the guy rots in jail.

however If you mean does it Change my opinion on the other 2 Stories no, Why would it ?
they were crimes Too, and justice should be served, But judging these by color of skin :dontknow:
did the Killers in the other cases Use the word Black or White ?
when committing their Crime ?
My understanding Zimmy Did when he called the cops,
so that makes people Think, And news reporters to use it, for Drama.
the Zimmy case is over though, & should be forgotten. by Both sides :unhappysmiley:

But I don't know about the 89-Year-Old's case,
did his killer explicitly say why he did he did it yet ?
was it because the old man was White ? Did he say there was a white Man in his Neighborhood at night to the Cops ?
or did he P him off in some other way ? over cash ? I know still doesn't make killing Right,
but it's being Compared to Zimmys defunct case in this thread

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The Zimmy case is hard to forget because the information was disseminated for maximum effect. I even read a post where a fella said "My understanding Zimmy Did when he called the cops" , in reference to wether or not he stated the race of the Martin guy. In reality the dispatcher asked Zimmy what the race was of Mr. Skittle, And Zimmy said what he "Thought" was the race. Then media all over the country did paste and edit jobs on the 911 tapes for effect. Next thing you know we get the aforementioned statement.

That is exactly why this story will not be put to rest, the disinformation needs to be rectified.

on that one it doesn't change My opinion, because I didn't have one.
But now My opinion is That's just plain Stupid, & if true & not media Hype,
I hope the guy rots in jail.

however If you mean does it Change my opinion on the other 2 Stories no, Why would it ?
they were crimes Too, and justice should be served, But judging these by color of skin :dontknow:
did the Killers in the other cases Use the word Black or White ?
when committing their Crime ?
My understanding Zimmy Did when he called the cops,
so that makes people Think, And news reporters to use it, for Drama.
the Zimmy case is over though, & should be forgotten. by Both sides :unhappysmiley:

But I don't know about the 89-Year-Old's case,
did his killer explicitly say why he did he did it yet ?
was it because the old man was White ? Did he say there was a white Man in his Neighborhood at night to the Cops ?
or did he P him off in some other way ? over cash ? I know still doesn't make killing Right,
but it's being Compared to Zimmys defunct case in this thread

I saw the transcript of the 911 call. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman for the race of the suspect. Zimmerman said he wasn't sure, but he thought possibly black or Hispanic.
I haven't heard much about the elderly victim yet.

I think the problem is the freeloaders in this country have gotten there welfare funds, housing, food stamps and smart cellphones for free so they don't know how to respect others. Your hole attitude changes when you have to earn your way thru life. Frank...

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Update. The 88 year old WWII vet was robbed and beat to death on a parking lot by two teens . Both are in custody now. Frank...

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Jeff , I have a lot of respect for you . I really think you should do some broader research into all these killings and the public outrage that followed each , including the sock monkey's input on each .That was my point .Skewed media reports and race baiting on one and trying to shove two others under the rug and ignore them because the shoe was on the other foot and should be ignored because they didn't fit an agenda .

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