AT Pro for gold dilemma


Jr. Member
Sep 13, 2012
Brooklyn NY
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, White Beach Hunter ID 300, minelab Excalibur II
So I exclusively hunt on beaches here in NY. I mainly get a lot of loose change, but I would like to get some rings now and then. My issue is that on the AT pro, the range for gold (50-60) is also the same range for pull tabs. As you can imagine, there are thousands of pull tabs on the beach. Do you wind up digging up everything that rings in the range, knowing that 99 out of 100 will be pull tabs. Its pretty exhausting :)

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Actually, the range for gold (depending on mineralization) runs from hi iron to lo silver. I read a post a while ago wherein different rings were tested to see where they'd read on a VDI and the pulltab region didn't inordinately represent. Here's a vid:

Basically the answer to your question is yes, plan on digging many many pulltabs, foil, can slaw and other pieces of junk in order to hit the gold. You will see people say dig everything which is basically good advise. The more you dig though the better you will get at being able to know more or less what you have. But jewelry, especially gold, can show up anywhere up and down the VDI scale so by not digging you run risk of missing that unique gold ring that maybe has been passed over by others until somebody comes along and digs it up. Sometimes gold can give you a "crappy" broken sound that sounds like junk. So in summary, dig everything and when you hit that special gold ring it will make up for all those pull tabs you dug. Good Luck!

First, the AT Pro loves gold. Second, it doesn't matter the machine brand or model...they all see pull tabs and gold in the same range. As was mentioned before, you will notice after a bit of time the characteristics of tabs as opposed to gold UNTIL you dig that one tab signal and it turns out to be gold....then it's like WTH?? This unfortunately is the name of the game. For fun, start naming the targets before you dig 'em....then you get the joy of being delightfully surprised when better than you called pops out.

I used to get disgruntled about digging all the pull tabs until one day it dawned on me that it simply means that nobody has detected this particular area for gold! Now I actually am encouraged to see the tabs:thumbsup:

Have fun and welcome to the healthiest addiction on earth!

I cannot believe someone from Brooklyn is crying about digging pulltabs on a BEACH! Shave off that metro-sexual beard and Man Up! :laughing7:

Scooping sand is THE easiest form of metal detecting there is. :hello: Put down your Starbucks Latte, and come up to White Plains. I'll take you out for some DIRT hunting. You'll miss scooping pulltabs on the beach real fast! :skullflag:

Ive found gold rings that read from 42 to 76 with my AT pro...but most come in the 50s...the 76 was a large diameter 10k you have to dig more than just pull tab signals to not miss any gold...just part of the game...its not for everyone but gold fever is for real.

if you dig it all - hopefully you will get it all
that's why I hunt in all metal - I get a lot the others miss because they crank their discrim. or they try and miss the pull tabs
and bottle caps by only goin for certain numbers

if you hit the same beaches and clean the trash out - hopefully the trash numbers will decrease and good will increase

VDI screens were put there for people that thought they could cheery pick certain items. They then miss a lot.

I hardly ever dirt fish anymore due to physical disabilities and I have to stay in the water more. But, when I'm able to do a little land hunting I almost always take my little Tesoro Compadre out because its so light weight. I have all kinds of custom programs in my Whites DFX to help me find the gold but that little Tesoro Compadre sniffs out the gold and in most cases I find more jewelry with it than I do my DFX. Reason? There are no screens and VDI numbers to look at and no icons that tell me what I've found and how deep it is. My Compadre does one thing. It gives me an audible sound when I hit a target and it forces me to really listen. There's an old saying, "hearing is a sense, listening is a skill". It's very true when it comes to learning your detector and the different sounds it makes. I've developed the ability to be able to tell in most cases what type coin or junk is under the coil of my Compadre simply by the sound it makes. It didn't happen over night though. Like I said on my earlier comment, the more you hunt and dig the better you will get at it. Like someone else said, start trying to guess what you've located before you dig it. You will find you get better and better at it. Then all of the sudden you say "I'm going to dig this pull tab up even though I know that's what it is", and low and behold you pop a nice gold ring out of the ground.

one in a hundred is pretty good, i think im usually more like 1 in 300. if it beeps i dig it, usually get skunked, no big deal. sometimes i actually find something cool

if you dig it all - hopefully you will get it all
that's why I hunt in all metal - I get a lot the others miss because they crank their discrim. or they try and miss the pull tabs
and bottle caps by only goin for certain numbers

yep, if your in the water, just put some tape over the number thing, pretend it dont exist. you might find something



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So I exclusively hunt on beaches here in NY. I mainly get a lot of loose change, but I would like to get some rings now and then. My issue is that on the AT pro, the range for gold (50-60) is also the same range for pull tabs. As you can imagine, there are thousands of pull tabs on the beach. Do you wind up digging up everything that rings in the range, knowing that 99 out of 100 will be pull tabs. Its pretty exhausting :)

Here in FL pull tabs ring up at 53 on my machine and bounce a little, and nickels at 52. I've never owned a gold ring that rang up at 52-53. It could happen but it's rare enough that I feel I can avoid digging almost all pull tabs... although I will dig a 52. It's the foil tops that are the real trouble...

There was a thread here awhile back where someone tested all of their gold rings (a reasonably large number) and found only one small one which came up in the pull tab range (if I recall).

In the water though, none of this applies. I dig everything except solid iron hits or very very wide high tones.

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Thanks all. Had a nice hunt tonight and dug a lot of clad and pull tabs. Still enjoyed it all

Ha...Ha...Ha....The age old problem....yes, the haven't cracked that one yet

Just remember, If there is a lot of tabs, That means not many people have hunted that area and it just a matter of time before you hit gold":coins:

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