Astronomy XT10 Classic Dobsonian Reflector


Full Member
Oct 20, 2007
North Carolina
I have all ways be fasinated with deep space objects, and the planets, also our moon. But the real injoyment is locateing, and obsevering double, and varible stars, m31 is my favorite galexy,The great andrameda. Their is so many objects up their that you cant see with the untaned eye. Here's a picture of my current setup. I shot this image of the moon thru my telescope, with my kodak easyshare camera.


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I tried jupiter, but did not do so well, I was experimenting with a homemade camera bracket, I need eather the stedy pix camera mount, or a good webcam modified to attach to the focuser to get any desent images of planets, ect.

My son has a LX10(Meade) and 6or8 different eyepieces(lens?).I know it sits on a tripod that weighs about 40#.He takes pretty good pics and that thing tracks by computer and shows on his computer screen.Can you tell that I really don't know anything about it?But Saturn looks cool with the rings and whichever one that is that has 5 moons.When he gets home again(otr),I'll have him look in on this thread.

The Meade LX10 is a awsome scope, I have never had the pleasure of look thru one, but I'm shure it is equal in power to mine, maybe better than mine. I could get some great photos with mine, of the planets but not deep sky, Their where the lx10 comes in with the smooth tracking, and great optics. LX10 $3,000.00 mine Orion 10" dob $600.00 But I shure love it. And 12" dobs wow.

I have owned 8" equdral mount reflectors, and a 5". I really love hunting more then photos thou. I shure could use more eye peices, or a barlow. I only have a 10mm, and a 25mm. I'd love to get a 32mm or a 40mm, and a 2 or 3 time barlow. I'd be straight.

I used to mess around with astronomy back when I was in the Marine Corps and stationed in California and Arizona. I had a Celestron 8" Newtonian reflector on an equitorial mount. We used to go out in the high desert and spend the weekend watching the sky. It was a lotta fun but now I've moved on to other things.


Way cool ..... good to see I'm not the only one, that looks down at the 'ground'. I just scored my Celestron NexStar 5 SE (125 mm) telescope last week. Upgraded from my old 'Bushnell' Sky Chief 3 (60 mm)..... which I bought back in 1986 (Halley's comet World Tour) ..... gee, seems haven't been myself since I saw that celestial event. I'm still playing with my 'mashed potatoes' every night at the supper table. *grin*
Now I'm taking full advantage of the 'dark winter months' up here in Alaska.

Keeps my 'cabin-fever' to a minimum ...... and sure beats watching television.
Want to 'feel humble' ..... check out this website. Talk about 'telescope envy'. *sheesh*

Hip ~


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Very nice on the XT10. I have the XT8 but I've been thinking about upgrading to the XT12 or the Meade LightBridge 12" dob. However, being that I need to travel for dark skies the XT8 fits the bill. I may just go for upgraded eyepieces and a nice pair of binoculars.

I live in Delaware and I belong to to the South Jersey Astronomy Club. Their observing site is about 1.5 hours away, so I don't get out to their field too often.


I have an 8" Newtonian I use. It is a great hobby,especially when the weather cooperates during
spring and fall. Summer nights are great except for the bugs at night. Winter most of the time is
hard to keep fom fogging up, but the views are wonderful.

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