As Predicted, Chris Lane Murder Was Gang Initiation Yet No Calls for ‘Justice’

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As Predicted, Chris Lane Murder Was Gang Initiation Yet No Calls for ‘Justice’

Anthony Gucciardi
August 22, 2013

As predicted in my article on the day the news broke over the Chris Lane two days ago, the three teenagers murdered the rising student via an impersonal gunshot to the back as part of a gang initiation. And Obama and other talking heads who were screaming from the rooftops over the Trayvon Martin case do not care.

The father of one teenager who turned down recruitment from the boys to join in their gang is now confirming my investigation into the event that the mainstream media once again utterly failed to even mention. But once again, we were on the case (with the help of Infowars posting up the story) long before there was an admission to confirm the research completely. My article entitled ‘Investigation Reveals Death of Chris Lane Result of Gangster Culture, Gang Related‘ was immediately published following my discovery of James Edwards’ Facebook page, who was the teen that was extremely instrumental in the murder of Chris Lane and an avid Crip wannabe.

James Johnson, who again is the father of the boy who was targeted by the three teenage murders and asked to join their gang, has gone on record in confirming the murder was absolutely related to gang initiation. In the interview with Sydney Morning Herald, Johnson states:

“I don’t think it was an initiation – I know it was an initiation, my son told me it was an initiation.”


And there it is. Now the media is supposed to be calling ‘for justice’, right? We saw it with Trayvon Martin, who was dubbed the modern day ‘Emmett Till’ even though there was no actual evidence of racial motivation (and let’s not forget the fact that the evidence actually led to the understanding that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman assaulting him). But what about Chris Lane? Lane was an accomplished academic, sports player, and all around ‘good guy’.

Where’s the calls for ‘justice’? Because in this case, where the suspects may actually be affiliated with high profile gangs, it’s clearly something that needs to be done. And in fact, it represents a large portion of young boys who are being indoctrinated into this culture. Where’s the calls for justice?

The Crips, as you may be aware, are one of the most notorious gangs in the United States. Represented by their blue colors (while The Bloods are represented by red), they often require new initiates to ‘prove’ themselves by killing an innocent person or similar atrocity. One of the key photos found on the Facebook page of James Edwards sports him wearing a blue bandana that is most certainly related to The Crips.

Whether this 15-year-old truly was linked up with the gang or simply had a deluded idea of ‘getting in’ by murdering Chris Lane is really not certain. But I do know that gang members often love to take advantage of young and gullible children who are willing to perform horrible tasks for them that the average member may not. Roles like drug mule come to mind, which may coincide with his numerous Facebook photos detailing massive amounts of cash.

But one thing is for certain: the White House is ignoring the entire thing.


In fact, the White House press secretary’s response was that the White House was not ‘familiar’ with the case. A rather peculiar answer when considering we know the White House at large is clinically obsessed with Drudge Report and what it chooses to report on. The Chris Lane murder being among the top story for over 42 hours now, I find it rather amazing that they’d manage to miss it.

Is it possible that they just somehow missed the top story for about two days now?

No, it’s not. They are absolutely lying and intentionally letting this story sink, because it is highly detrimental for everything Obama pushes for. The case exposes the highly dangerous gang culture that’s actually responsible for a large portion of gun deaths inside the United States (which therefore alleviates the attacks against law-abiding citizen gun owners), it deflates the horrendous race baiting by the Obama administration and media over the Trayvon Martin case that led to the demonization of ‘white’ Zimmerman, and most importantly it rallies people together against gang real crime.

And the government elite cannot have us come together. Instead, as amazing as it seems right now, watch as the media begins to spotlight a very twisted support for the three murderers. The three murderers who shot Chris Lane in the back in order to join a bloodthirsty gang. Watch as they spin this into a sad tale of how they were ‘victims’ of society.

Originally appeared at Story Leak.

This article was posted: Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 5:48 pm

LbJ - the great society = all the crap going on today. No more drive or work ethic and the whiners and brainwashed complaining he or she has more money than me. Hey whiners the people with more money work and don't give a f about xbox.

notice you have not said a thing about the 88 year old veteran beat to death by people of a different color...
even the right wing doesnt give a damn about veterans.

all heros until we come back...then burn us when we are homeless, beat us at random, call us drug addicts, baby killers and more...
god bless america.

notice you have not said a thing about the 88 year old veteran beat to death by people of a different color...
even the right wing doesnt give a damn about veterans.

all heros until we come back...then burn us when we are homeless, beat us at random, call us drug addicts, baby killers and more...
god bless america.

No need to start a problem, there is a thread on the vets attack...

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all heros until we come back...then burn us when we are homeless, beat us at random, call us drug addicts, baby killers and more...
god bless america.

Welcome to liberal made U.S.S.A.Where 90% of the politicians are corrupt and the sheep eat it up and ask for seconds.PLEASE SIR CAN I HAVE SOME MORE.

No need to start a problem, there is a thread on the vets attack...WWII Vet Assaulted In N. Spokane Die

Actually theres two threads,TH,about it.

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