Arguemant against Moromon stope

Apr 17, 2014
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What exactly is a legitimate Arguemant against Moromon stope being the DLM??? And hence the entire issue put to rest.

Why isn't it obvious that the Moromon stope is/was the DLM? (If such a thing ever existed and, Assuming the dead guy's ore actually was picked from nearby earth crust by the dead guy himself. BTW, if you don't want to start from consenting your position being he picked it, then I remind you that a cache is not a mine and you should be looking for something else that is probably long gone already as well.)

Far as I can see ... the actual most relevant starting information regards DLM is 1) some guy died in Phoenix (and we can't even agree on his name), and 2) said guy (or at least some guy) had some 'origin unexplained' high concentration ore at the time of death. So the basic question is where did it come from? The legend is built around the idea there 'has to be' a lost mine, a stretch in it self.

Morman stope was a rich enough deposit, rediscovered in good timeline, and, had been previously mined. No problem that they found the old entrance in a backwards fashion. Aside from not wanting the legend to fade, what am I missing?

What exactly is a legitimate Arguemant against Moromon stope being the DLM??? And hence the entire issue put to rest.

Why isn't it obvious that the Moromon stope is/was the DLM? (If such a thing ever existed and, Assuming the dead guy's ore actually was picked from nearby earth crust by the dead guy himself. BTW, if you don't want to start from consenting your position being he picked it, then I remind you that a cache is not a mine and you should be looking for something else that is probably long gone already as well.)

Far as I can see ... the actual most relevant starting information regards DLM is 1) some guy died in Phoenix (and we can't even agree on his name), and 2) said guy (or at least some guy) had some 'origin unexplained' high concentration ore at the time of death. So the basic question is where did it come from? The legend is built around the idea there 'has to be' a lost mine, a stretch in it self.

Morman stope was a rich enough deposit, rediscovered in good timeline, and, had been previously mined. No problem that they found the old entrance in a backwards fashion. Aside from not wanting the legend to fade, what am I missing?


Here is the reason it could not be the LDM: The Mammoth Mine was where the Mormon stope was located. It was extended to the 65' level where after first failing to find anything by drifting ten foot to the east, they discovered the rich ore body ten foot to the west of the original shaft. I would say that is what your are missing.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Thanks for taking a stab at this. I don't see how that is a problem. Can you explain your logic?

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Sure. The Mammoth Mine was found on the surface, as I recall. It was first located, as I recall, around 1-year after Waltz's death. I think originally, they followed the gold down to around 35' or so. It ran out so they extended the shaft down to around 65'. They still found nothing, so they tried to drift out 10' to the east.....nothing. They then drifted 10' to the west and discovered the Mormon stope. That being the case, he could not have discovered the Mormon stope.

That's the best I can do.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


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The **** is a moromon?

It is ConceptualizedNetherlandr's way to mis-spell Mormon, perhaps as a slight insult? Or something lacking in education perhaps? :dontknow: It is in reference to the Mormon Stope, a rich ore pocket in the Mammoth gold mine in the Goldfield district.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

To this day I remain an excellent typoist. Sorry if that flaw of mine hurts anyone's feelings. Now, about that stope. I am no expert on anything, but ... some people claim that when mineers got to the far end of the depost they discoverd it had been previously accesed by a small shaft of some type, and when that was followed out rich deposits were found along the way and the entrance at the other end was concealed. Is that not agreed to be true? Thanks

I cliped this from another place, you old timers probably recognize it:
by Jesse J. Feldman » Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:37 pm

Just a quick message after reading these posts.

The Mormon Stope is known to have a pre anglo tunnel on the south side. Said to be Spanish. That is the only one I know of. We have not explored it yet because it is covered. Tom K. could be the best source of this question or John Wilborn. It is only known that there was also trench mines along the value corridor said to date possibly to Aztecs. - And you may have come across J.W.'s connection to an Aztec trench mine near Goldfield. One thing is for sure - There is no mine present in 1892 that wasn't worked before, much before. You have brought up a sore subject to Anglo's. Anglo's want to be the first ones there. A few questions in the right place and I believe you will find much information.

Last edited by Jesse J. Feldman on Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Has that idea been dubunked? No pre-anglo anything was ever found?

Mods, can you fix the title mis-spelling, would be much appreciated. thanks. and Joe, sorry to hear about your situation.

It really all hinges on if there was a pre-anglo tunnel on the south side or not. Anybody have that 'fact' proven or disproven?

Was anything of Waltz's found in that drift, or just pre-anglo mining equipment ?
There is nothing in the LDM literature about Waltz having found or that he made use of Spanish or Mexican tools

There's no proof that gold ever came out, is there, It was a Silver Mine!


There's no proof that gold ever came out, is there, It was a Silver Mine!


They mined 1-3 million in gold from the Mammoth.....maybe some silver too, but it was all about the gold.

I did not know that, Was it gold in let's say White Quarts.


Yeah, I guess I did no that, but what's the Morman stope.


Well I thought the Morman stope was part of the pit Mine, no

I know Joe, could not resist


By all accounts it's still produces, Just a oz a day is like 400,000 a year.

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