Are you guys starting to get back out yet??


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Jul 7, 2005
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Tesoro Cibola
Is it warm enough for any of you guys to get out yet? I got out yesterday and tomarow looks to be warm and iv got a half day! Hopefully winters endin and its not just a warm patch :D Still frozen about an inch or two down, but after you break through that its easy diggin. My mom said to be carefull as theres been some creepy guy spotted in the woods and down the street, apparently some guy in a black cloak with a hat or something, a few of the neighbors said they saw him around. I saw lots of strange footprints going through the woods too in places noone would need to go normally. Better bring the machete tomarow :o

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Yep- been out a couple times, between the rainstorms, lol. Haven't found a whole heckuva lot yet, but the year is just starting! Good luck out there- ;D

If this weather holds out, I'm going back to Virginia Saturday where I found all those goodies a few weeks back...I'm positive I'll return with some very interesting finds. Last time I went, I stayed about an hour and came home with a 1943 Walking Liberty Half and a ton of other nice finds!

I'll update Saturday night............ ;D

Been out a few times this year. We've had a heat wave here in Indy...
It got back down to 29 degrees, and 2" of snow the other night, but it's back into the 50's for today, so I'll probably try to get out again... Be carefu out in them woods by yourself,, there are a lot of crazy's out there these days...
Good luck & Happy hunting~

It's been an unusually warm and dry winter in my neck o' tha' woods and I have been able to get out quite a bit. Lady Luck just hasn't smiled on me lately and I have no really worthy finds. The ground rarely freezes here but it's so dry and parched it's difficult to dig. Monty

Got out yesterday ;D and got soaked in the rain :o, had a good time though. I can only imagine what ppl thought as they drove by and noticed me out their ???

We just got like 7 inches of snow >:( Looks like I wont be back out for awhile :-\

I had cabin fever and got out a few times and even did a beach and detected the dry sand. Frost was down about three inches though. Now it's cold again and winds are strong today. I have more notes on research to last me a couple lifetimes, and extra batteries. Staying inside saves gas for later.


Jake, come on! Your not gonna let a little snow and cold stop ya, are ya??? I go out every weekend, cold or not. If there's to much snow, I hot the beaches and hunt below the tide line. Dress warm, carry the machete, and maybe some pepper spray, and get out there and hunt!!

We got hit with a foot of snow last Friday and still have about half a foot on the ground. Relatively warm temps though for Chicagoland, snow melts a little each day, but the ground is freezing back up. Won't be out and about hunting for a while.

Seems like winter doesnt wanna go away :'( I would be out detecting right now but I would loose 7 inches of depth with the snow and I wouldnt find anything ::)

I didn't mind going out the other day in the cold
I found a common penny and some other pure trash and enjoyed the hell out of it anyway

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