Are these game peices?


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2014
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Fisher f75/1270/1266x/Radio Shack Treasure tracker/
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All Treasure Hunting
004.JPG007.JPGI accumulated these on a early site over a few hunts and the first couple I found I was thinking carved/widdled down lead.Now I am wondering if they are game piece's of some kind because they all have the same basic shape and height?Is there any particular game they might have played in the 18th century that might have used small pieces like these?They all look to have been carved on,and are a little bigger then a modern buckshot,.

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Chess pawns ???

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Checkers would make since.I guess that game has been around forever.The first one I found thought it was just a mangled up buckshot then every once in awhile I would find another one,thought there might be a little more to them then just carved lead.thanks!

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Chess pawns ???
That's what originally came to my mind,I have about hunted the place to death,it seems like I would find a piece that would be a little different if being chess,unless I am just missing them or their not there.

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The lead pieces could be from an old game called "The fox and the chickens" I remember years ago my grandpa making a board similar to a checker board and using a penny as the fox and grains of corn for the chickens. The object of the game was to either corner the fox in or the fox capture all the chickens. Similar to checkers......... so the small pieces you have could be the" chickens" from that game. Just saying .... I guess it was an old game that was taught to him as a child so it had to have been passed down to him from another generation.

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