I bought a big can of buttons awhile back at a garage sale and these buttons were inside. They have an eagle looking to the right with an anchor and canon balls(?).....Navy? Civil War or newer? One has a back mark of "John Starkey London" and the others "N.S.M. London New York" .
Thanks---my eyes are a little blurry today from allergies! So maybe just the Josh Starkey is Civil War? And thanks for Iding the NSM mark for me! Appreciate it nhbenz!
I agree with HomeGuardDan... except, your N.S. Meyer US Navy buttons can date from the 1910s to 1943. According to the backmark-dating book by McGuinn & Bazelon, NS Meyer(s) Co. of New York City dates from 1907 to the present, and the company got its first uniform-button contract in 1911. In 1943 the Navy changed the direction of the eagle's head to look toward the button's left instead of toward the right as on your buttons. So, your N.S. Meyer backmarked US Navy buttons date from sometime between 1911 and 1943.