Arabic Coin?


May 1, 2015
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Can anybody help with an identification here? IMG_6173.webpIMG_6174.webp

Not sure how this can be fake when I found it deep in a soil in a forest. I am not sure about the language on the coin. Any idea?

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Did you check the link in my post? looks very similar to yours, what the language is i don't know. Did you find it in the States?

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I checked your link. The post was from Norway and I am from Norway as well, but from other part. But still I cannot believe this to be fake...

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Hvor stor er den? kan der have været rollespil der hvor, du går? regner med at du kan læse dansk.;-)

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The reverse is the mirror image of the face? No coin that I know of is like that.

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Size of the coin: 24.6 mm and 1.5 mm. The coin was ca 15 cm deep under soil in the middle of forest, where used to be fields 50 years ago.

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Charlie is right, most be a fake. How things end up in the ground is often a mystery.

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Deepest dime I have ever detected was 10" deep (25.4cm). A 1996 Roosevelt. Life is just full of puzzles.

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It was my first coin. Hopefully good luck coin...

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There will be many more coins for you, i found close to a thousand coins in my first year metal detecting. And that was in little Denmark. HH and good luck.

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It seems that this coin was found in Denmark as well. Please see this link: Ottoman/Arabic/Persian (?) token, reverse is mirror of obverse
Today we found two more coins like this in the forest again. View attachment 1155894

It appears to be a belly dancer token.

A bit of a misnomer. Numismatic legend is that they were worn on the clothes of belly dancers.

In reality, they are part of an Eastern and Southern mediterranean tradition. Women have few rights. When marrying, their money goes to their husband. On divorce, they get only their own stuff, including clothes. Worrying fathers would give their daughters clothes with coins sewed on to them as decoration. The husband couldn't touch the coins and the woman would have a financial reserve. The coins-on-clothes became fashionable and those who couldn't afford real coins used cheap imitations, such as this one. They must have looked fine when new.


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Some kids most have been playing in the forrest and lost their coins.

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hey freind.
hi. i'm persian & from language is Farsi but
i know arabic language.
these coin aren't arabic. only similar to arabic language.
next Reason
all of old arabic coins haven't margin dotty.
your coin have dotty on margin!
this coin is new and maybe from Europe.
i think this language be Hebrew or india.
Certainly it isn't arabic :)
good luck فلزیاب قوی

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