Anyone with Sovereign GT relic experience? Pls share opinions.

I just got my GT a week back so I can't be much help. I do live on a CW campground and have found several bullets and buttons so far with the GT. The first thing that helped me was figuring out "the wiggle". As a kid we would make a pencil look like it was made of rubber by jiggling it back and forth with a loose wrist, its kind of like that. When you hit a signal you wiggle the detector side to side an inch or two, back and forth, and if the tone locks on it's usually worth digging. I read to use auto sensitivity if you're new, but clicking right out and leaving the knob full counter clockwise seems to give several extra inches on depth.

I had a solid signal the other day and dug a hole and the signal disappeared. I knew the signal was too good so I got my MXT, with a smaller coil down in the hole and the signal was strong. It turned out to be an infantry button...this was before I switched out of auto sensitivity. You probably already have a pinpointer, but if not that will definitely help.

I've still got A LOT to learn myself, I hope someone with more experience with the GT and CW sites will jump in...I need advice as much as you.

Thanks. I am going to a hard hunted field tomorrow and going to hit it again. I have found several good items over the years there such as CW bullets, a North Carolina Military Institute button, 3 cent piece and a ring. So I am going to hunt slow and methodically and see if I can pull anything out. The field has grass and is about the size of 3 or 4 football fields. Wish me luck, take care, Bryan

Hunted the field today with the Gt and found 3 CW leather rivets and an old suspender button, not bad for a hunted out area

I have been using the Sovereign since the first one came out. The best advice I can give you is slow down, keep the coil to the ground. When I say slow down I mean grid a small piece of land out in your mind. Walk that back and forth over lapping the swing. Then go back and do it from the other side. Drop the discrimination way back, and I keep the Iron Reject on If I want to just dig Nonferrous relics. I love my Sovereign and even took of the meter on the first one so I did not neglect to dig those iffy signals. I do have a meter for sale if anyone is interested, it's the original meter and is in the classified section. I don't often need to go to all metal to pinpoint, I just do the wiggle/wobble back and forth and it gives me the general spot. I don't need a pinpointer device as I can scan the dirt in my hand just as quick. Good luck, wait until you try down by the saltwater, it ignores Salt and minerals and can blow most machines away when it comes to beach combing.


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