Silver Member
Just wondering if anyone else besides me uses a kayak to get to where they want to go water detecting? I have a few places scouted out including a popular swimming snadbar, an old schooner yard, a boat launch, a boardwalk that goes into the ocean hundreds of feet and some of it got destroyed in a hurricane, and the pond right in front of my vacation house. Almost all these places are inaccesible by swimming or walking, most require a kayak or some other type of boat...Does anyone have any type of setup for sifter/scoop/kayak/anchor or w/e? I am working on a floating sifter that i will tow behind my kayak and also a homemade scoop and stuff. When i get to the place i wana detect in the water i just throw a small anchor in the water and unstrap my detector from the kayak and get to work. With my floating sifter attached to my kayak it wont float away on me while i detect. I only have a day or two left to make the rest of the stuff and get my gear together cause i leave in a day or two and ill be staying almost a week then coming back for a few more days, hopefully ill find some great new stuff with the cobra beach magnet I gotta watch out though, the current is strong and theres drop-offs, but the places i have in mind are only 2 feet deep at the max.
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