Anyone see Prospecting America this morning?


Bronze Member
Jan 11, 2005
Sunbury, PA
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DFX 300, Classic ID
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All Treasure Hunting
At least I think thats what it was. Any how, the host, one of the Massey brothers, was searching an old cellar while on an "outing" and found some old bottles and a tobacco tin. While looking a bit more he found another tin of the same type that still had a lid on it. When he opened it he started pulling out some rather brittle pieces of paper. As he tipped the tin over to slide the paper out, a shiny silver coin slid out. He said it was from 1880 and when they showed the coin you could easily see it was a liberty dollar in rather good shape!

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its a set up its a tv show they plant that for you to keep watching and buying their stuff.

dekalb33 said:
its a set up its a tv show they plant that for you to keep watching and buying their stuff.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?I would have to Disagree with you on that one. I'v seen him Metal Detecting for Gold On the Show & pulling out Nothing But Hotrocks, Nails & a Tin Can.? ? ?Do they show you that on the WHITES COMMERCIAL ?? ;D

I agree that you can't trust what they find on the show. They dug for gold near my house, in a stream that produces one flake per mile, yet they uncovered nuggets sniping. So I went down to the exact spot they dug, started sniping right next to the area they worked on the show, to once again find a few tiny tiny flakes.
The only gold they find is what they pack in. Can anyone here find nuggets every single time out, in a matter of hours. nope, especially not on their claims.

I have been a prospector since I was a small child, and I work many of the best producing areas in California, and I have worked their claims. And with the experience I have they are fake as fake can be.
Join them and you will quickly find out. The best gold areas, you really have to work nowadays to find good gold.
The easy stuff is gone, and besides that I see so many people running super GP3000 and Extreme detectors in the desert now.
It's all about the money.

I have mixed feelings about this. I did jion GPAA & have been to one outing. We did not find more or less than was promised, but the nuggets for the split at the end were brought in form else where. All they promised was that there was gold on site. No claim as to how much or how little.They told us this in advance. Little gold found was not a surprise. I agree that the metal detecting is fair game but obviously, they are in business to make money. If anyone joins with the idea of a big gold find or becoming rich, they joined for the wrong reason. It is really about sharing a small adventure with other average people who are tird of staying home & seeing it all on TV. It's also a lot of hard work with very small results, but it is an enormus amout of FUN & RELAXATION!

I do not relic or treasure hunt or coin shoot with the idea in mind of making a rich find. I don't buy lottery tickets & truely expect to win, but we all need a dream. Spotz

I just watched the Show. I had it taped sinse Yesterday, and didn't get to see it till now. The show was "BUZZARDITE CLASSICS" Tom Massey was the one, in STANTON. the Papers were as eathabs said were very brittle & were falling apart as he jently removed them. The Coin was a 1880 Morgan Dollar. I do Believe He just happend to come across it, altho, it may have been a Re-enactment, I doubt it, as you could hear the lid breaking off as he removed it. and pieces of the rusty can, also fell as he was inspecting the contents. The one thing that completly confuses me, is his acting like a complete newbie. He looked at it, saying at first he thought it was a gold coin, then he said he "thinks it's a Coin" & then he says about a "Old Lady Coin" He does say then that its a "Silver Dollar" but he calls it an old "Liberty Dollar" which isn't wrong. But I still think it was a real find.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?By the way, I do remember one show where they did "Exagerate" for effects. he was exploreing a Cave or Mine. They were way back inside & his Lamp Went out & coincidently, The cameras Light went out the same time. he acted worried & said He hoped there was another exit near by because they would have to Feel their way out. Within Seconds, they "Just Happend" to find a Hole Big enough to crawl out to safety.? ? ? ? ? ? ?B.S. ? Yes. but was probably staged to make others aware of the dangers of doing what they were. If you watch the show & see how many times he Bumps his head, Trips and lands Squarely on the ground, And PUFFS like a Heavy Smoker while doing the show. it IS very Entertaining & Beleavable :D

Jeff, I saw the "lights out" episode too. Why would he not have any extra lighting? Flashlights, head lamps, extra batteries for the camera etc. You brought up a good point, going into caves is not a walk in the park. You must be prepared for anything. It is dangerous. You might recall another episode that featured one of them in an old mine shaft that just so happened to contain old sticks of TNT. He got very quiet once discovered. Is TNT that unstable when it is really old? By the way, my wife thinks I'm nuts for watching that stuff. Shes right, I am nuts...........for detecting!! And to think I just got my MD. The ground is rock hard I am hooked without swinging a loop outside of my basement!! By the way, I did find a clad dime down there the first time I tried it in the "dirt side" of the basement.

I don't believe TNT is that unstable either. I think that was another case of making a point to the inexpierenced, to leave it alone & retreat.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? I chopped open a Blasting cap, with powder in it one time while digging it up. I even put my lighter to it. (Stupidity ? YES) did it go off ? no.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? He continusouly Talks about taking extra Lights with him. He most likely had them along that day, & most likely, turned off the lights , Just for the Effect. once he saw an exit around the corner from where they were standing.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?I didn't ask him about these things, The last time I talked to him, But I'll have to remember If I get the chance again.

I live in the West and every once in a while we see a newpaper article about folks who are ill-informed about the dangers of being around or in old abandoned mines. The story is commonly about body recovery and is really tragic when young kids are involved. The message that the mining community has been giving the public for decades is not that you be "prepared" when you enter an old? mine but that you simply "Do NOT ENTER" an abandoned mine under any circumstances. The mine episode simply should? have showed the entrance of the mine with the stern warning not to enter.


I've never seen the show. Could someone tell us the channel? As for the dynamite, I believe old TNT can "sweat" nitroglycerin, so one would want to handle with some prudence.

The "OUTDOOR CHANNEL"? ? ? ? ? Sunday Nights at 11:pm for "GOLD FEVER"? ?and 6:30 AM Saturday mornings for "BUZZARDITE CLASSICS"? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"GOLD FEVER is re-Run Wednsdays at Midnight & saturdays at 11:AM? ?"EASTERN TIMES" "Prospecting America" is his Brother Perrys Show & is more Like a Half Hour Commercial. "GOLD FEVER" & "BUZZARDITE CLASSICS" are one hour shows

Well in the first place, I'v never seen them go anywhere & 'pick up Nuggets"? :D They Do show them Panning & show a tiny amount of? Flower Gold In the Pans, at Most Places. Once in awhile they'll get pickers, Put IF you watch the show regularly, it isn't hard to tell, they may spend a whole day & most of the time Whole Weekends Panning, Slucing, Etc. Then They Pick what is intresting to air. I don't thing for a minute they Find it all in an hours time. I also don't believe they need to plant anything.

I know for a fact they plant stuff all the time. How many of you have met these guys? Well I have.
Like I said I work some of the same areas and the gold is just not there.
I watched one of their shows a few days ago and Perry found two nuggets with a Minelab. One on top of the ground, another maybe an inch deep. Did I mention while the Minelab rep watched on. On a gpaa claim, yeah right. Gold is just not laying around anymore. Like I said you have to do your homework and really work nowadays.
My buddy has the GP3000 he has detected about 30 hours without a nugget so far. The main gold areas have all been worked with detectors to death, so you have to spend hours and hours for a faint signal.
If you doubt my thoughts, join the gpaa, you will agree with me later on. I was a member and never again would I rejoin. The shows are an advertisement for a product, like an infomercial.
They get you started, then you will go elsewhere when you find out where the gold is.

He IS right about Perry's shows looking Like Info-Mershals, And on them it MAY be some planting going on. I'v only talked to Tom once ,? However, it was easy to tell, Tom is no different then any of us. He's into it for, the same things we are, and, untill he tells me he plants, I'll know better.? ?Tom tells you right out. Your not going to strike it rich, and it's not just laying there waiting for you. HE's had a good teacher "The Buzzard" his Father.

wepc said:
I agree that you can't trust what they find on the show. They dug for gold near my house, in a stream that produces one flake per mile, yet they uncovered nuggets sniping. So I went down to the exact spot they dug, started sniping right next to the area they worked on the show, to once again find a few tiny tiny flakes.
Isn't this like saying, "someone found A Class Ring in the Creek, So I took me detector right next to where they found it, & all I found was a Few Pennies, So they must have Planted that Ring" ?


Jeff I understand your points here but you have to consider all the information that wepc has given to this point.

Wepc said he has detected these same areas, before and after, their finds and has never found anything near as large in those areas. Now, I'm not taking sides here but I will say that I try and think as logical as I can about such things. I try to absorb all the information given and then I make a "tentative" decision. There's always more to learn on any given subject, that's why I say tentative.

As this stands by the given posts right now, I would have to say I beleive these guys may have planted the finds in preperation to the show. I mean, let's be honest, its a TV show that has to be good or nobody would watch. They have to find stuff every so often, don't they :)

When these guys come into an area that has been hunted fiercely for years and magically find nuggets! Well,....let's just leave it at that.


Let's face it, makes for a good show, doesn't it ;)

I'm not trying to Argue the Point, It would make for Better Viewing, But Have You Watched "Gold FEVER" ? till they get all there Commercials in, They have Maby, Just Maby 30 Min.s Of the Actual Show. NOW, they do about 6 New Shows a Year. that Translates to? 3 hours of Show a year. They travel all over to Do shows, Including in the Winter, they head to warmer Climate. You Don't see a show on Every Place they go. The Have A camera Man (alot of times it's Tom's Wife) Following them everywhere. I'm shure sometimes the Camera misses a Great Find, and they say "Hay Let's Show me Finding This" & in that sense re-plant the Find to get it on Camera. However, You Actually Don't beleve, during a Years Time, They cant Get 30 Minutes of Footage, at 6 Different Locations ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the other point, My Friend Rich, uses an Older Whites Detector. He Was finding Indians & silver all over a spot. He Invited me up with My Sovereign I had My 15" coil on. ALL I found was some Clad, a couple wheats & trash. he got more indians & still is, at this same spot. SHOULD I CALL HIM A LIAR , & believe he's planting them ? this scenero has playd out the Exact opposite also. Should He call Me a Liar and accuse me of planting ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Every one gets lucky. Why show your Un-luckey days when you are producing a show & only have 6 shows a year to produce ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Does This Explain, Why I can't understand Why they would Have to Plant ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I tell you what, Think about it this year & at the end of the year, Tell me IF, you couldn't have gotten enough footage, to make 6 intreastng shows , with 30min. footage each. By the way, You never see them pan on the show & come up Empty Handed ? I have


Point well made. As I said before, "tentative" decision. All I was trying to say is the topic can easily be seen from both sides. Your point of the indiana head's and silver was very informative. And perhaps your right on the money with the idea that these shows are NOT setup. I guess what I'm saying is, people will beleive what they want to beleive. And, that can be just about anything :)


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