Anyone know about this piece??


Nov 20, 2023


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Hmmm...ive heard that from several friends....then I have to get very very serious and look em dead in the eye 👁️ and say, "sometimes we find a bar of lead...and sometimes by God, we find a bar of silver!" 😜😁😂🤗😎👍😆. But then...what if ya find a brick of GOLD!😎😂
IMO... what you have there is a large antique / vintage lead babbit.

Similar to this..


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Tell us more about it.
Well, here's the facts ..I found this on private property here in south central's heavy..can't say for sure exact weight...also, it feels really strange in the palm of my hand..idk like it's got a lot to say but is too busy to speak 🤗. Theres been a whole lotta life that has come and gone, I know due to the freshwater spring that I was raised on...water source=life force 😉. I know that there was a civil war hospital waiting area nearby as well...and of course, the Cherokee were here, my lifelong research of 42 years also STRONGLY suggest that a Spaniard population was very strong in this area..I've been searching for something here my entire life ...first child of my father born here, only daughter....the people that loved this place way before I did want to be remembered and respected....and I'm listening. Couldn't it maybe just perhaps be something else than lead? Ive done some at home experimentation.trying to figure out what this is made of ...silver? Lead? Something else....idk...I do know that I have found evidence of a whole lot of smelting going on around the location I found this...rumored viens of silver Eastern KY mountains ... 🤔.


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Well, here's the facts ..I found this on private property here in south central's heavy..can't say for sure exact weight...also, it feels really strange in the palm of my hand..idk like it's got a lot to say but is too busy to speak 🤗. Theres been a whole lotta life that has come and gone, I know due to the freshwater spring that I was raised on...water source=life force 😉. I know that there was a civil war hospital waiting area nearby as well...and of course, the Cherokee were here, my lifelong research of 42 years also STRONGLY suggest that a Spaniard population was very strong in this area..I've been searching for something here my entire life ...first child of my father born here, only daughter....the people that loved this place way before I did want to be remembered and respected....and I'm listening. Couldn't it maybe just perhaps be something else than lead? Ive done some at home experimentation.trying to figure out what this is made of ...silver? Lead? Something else....idk...I do know that I have found evidence of a whole lot of smelting going on around the location I found this...rumored viens of silver Eastern KY mountains ... 🤔.
Got yourself one of these?

Silver Melts at 1,763.24F
Lead melts at 621.5F
Shave some off the ingot, heat/melt it with the torch..
Try this again melting a piece of silver.
You will find your ingot is more than likely lead as stated.

You could measure the volume by immersing in water and noting the rise of the water in a graduated vessel, or fill a vessel to its brim, put the ingot into the water and either weigh or obtain the volume of the water that spills out. Also weigh the ingot dry. Divide the dry weight by the volume to get the density. Gold is much denser than lead and lead is a little denser than silver. There are tables on the web that give the values in several units. If the ingot is an alloy, that might complicate it. Someone with a metallurgical background might be able to provide guidance on that.

How soft is it? If you can scratch it at all with a fingernail, it's lead.

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Awesome to find stuff that makes the heart race!
A nice find even if it’s lead.
keep posting your investigation into it but right now you got me motivated to get back out!

Tell us more about it.

How soft is it? If you can scratch it at all with a fingernail, it's lead.
It's not soft at's very very hard and heavy for it's size. This was found in a place where weight would have destroyed it. Squashed it completely. I tried fingernail test and was unable to do so. Friends and I have scratched it and nicked it with sharp objects just to figure out what it is

Awesome to find stuff that makes the heart race!
A nice find even if it’s lead.
keep posting your investigation into it but right now you got me motivated to get back out!
Ty very much 💗 I appreciate that. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I mean why not rt?

Ty very much 💗 I appreciate that. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I mean why not rt?
And yes! Said that from beginning even if it is an old bar of lead, it was a gift nonetheless, cause I wasn't searching when I found it and was having a horrible day from the awful nt before...dealing with family and greed....just cant stand the whole "mine, mine, mine" thing with some people and family property..🙄if i was greedy everyone of my bros would be screwed on our family farm that I live on and take care of. But greed in this heart of mine...and ty for the gift people of the past💗

Can you cut of shave it with a sharp knife ?

And yes! Said that from beginning even if it is an old bar of lead, it was a gift nonetheless, cause I wasn't searching when I found it and was having a horrible day from the awful nt before...dealing with family and greed....just cant stand the whole "mine, mine, mine" thing with some people and family property..🙄if i was greedy everyone of my bros would be screwed on our family farm that I live on and take care of. But greed in this heart of mine...and ty for the gift people of the past💗
sorry to hear about your family issues hopefully it all can be put in the past soon. Detecting is sometimes therapeutic to me, walking woods and field observing nature and cleansing the mind for a bit. The excitement of possibly finding something that no one has seen for awhile and maybe is missing is motivating to me. It gets dark so early I have found to enjoy being out in it, shutting off the detector backlight and going by moon, it makes me go slower and more ’aware‘ of my being if that makes sense.
It also feels good to pick up any trash I find, kind of like an earth day every time I go out. The haul can get heavy especially if I found that block you did! Then it’s time to head back. With hopefully something it in the finds pouch and letting your mind guess what it, suspenseful sometimes.
Wishing you well from up here in Menemsha.

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