You deserve a valid reply, since no one else answered. Check out the Lost Treasure web site. They have a state treasure tales link with stories from the different states that change periodically. Also, check out the losttreasureusa web site. They have a database with lists of treasure articles that have been published on treasure stories from all states. You would then have to track down those articles, but its a start. I've also noticed one or two people on the web advertizing their research for sale for a few dollars. There are few solid leads here in the northeast, but there are some mysteries worth chasing down for amusement. I solved one recently, but the prize was gone, leaving me with a story of an empty hole found in the woods, otherwise I'd be on my private island right now. I live in Ma., and am a newbie at TH'ing. Try to analyze yourself so you know where your weak areas are. The point is to decide if you have what it takes to find the biggies by yourself, or team up with someone who makes up for your shortcomings. I don't go coin shooting, but cache hunting. My strength lies in understanding human nature, or, in other words, what were they likely to have done under the circumstances. Hope this helps. Good luck.