If there is a Wooded area or Hill nearby Don't forget these.
Wooded areas are good for a Quick Relief if the Bathrooms are
unavailable. and for the Pick-Pocket to Check out his new Finds.
and Discard the Unwanteds.
and Hills are good to keep the Kids busy.
and Especially check where the Hill Levels off at the bottom.
Heavy Rains wash alot down to the Bottom.
and Behind the Station. a Great place to Hang out, without
people Looking at you. If your Shy, Wanted, or Make out :P
Creeks near the station. Both sides. Best where there is a Clearing there,
but Hidden.
Hobos Waited till the train left the station to hop on board, & needed
a good place to camp over night & have water available for Bath & Cooking.
They would be close to the station, to hop on before the train picked up speed, but far enough to not be seen. (out of Sight)