Anybody know what this is


Jr. Member
Sep 5, 2012
Southwest mississippi




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Welcome to Tnet! Well it looks like a gaming ball in a few of the pictures (colonial era) but is it egg shaped? If so may just be a rock bud.

Johnathan Griswold

Was it found in association with other artifacts? And could you take a closer photo of the flat looking spot in the photo of you holding it?

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It is wheel shaped almost perfectly . I found it while turkey hunting in the ozark mountains of missouri I live in Mississippi so I never looked for any other artifacts in that area

Probably just a stone. Tumbled in a stream or river at one time. If there is a spot on the edge that looks like it has been struck numerous times it could be a small discoidal

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I found it on top of a flat ridge several hundred feet above a creek . It rolls with no wobbles on its edges just like a wheel would . Too flawless in my opinion to be natural . Just never have seen anything exactly like it

Hammer stones come in all sizes. But here is a list of things it might be. Hammer,grinder (like a mano), game ball used for a game called stick ball. If it is oval in shape and is flat on each end it could be a Bolo Stone. There has been some thoughts that these type of stones have been used in slings so it could be that also. Mystery stones is what I like to call them.

budsmith19 said:
I found it on top of a flat ridge several hundred feet above a creek . It rolls with no wobbles on its edges just like a wheel would . Too flawless in my opinion to be natural . Just never have seen anything exactly like it

Nature does some amazing and unexplained things..look at MT. Rushmore ahahaha jk but it will make some cool objects

Johnathan Griswold

birdpointgriswold said:
Nature does some amazing and unexplained things..look at MT. Rushmore ahahaha jk but it will make some cool objects

Johnathan Griswold

That's what I've always said! Why do I get called a jackass, their the ones who didn't know?

GatorBoy said:
Probably just a stone. Tumbled in a stream or river at one time. If there is a spot on the edge that looks like it has been struck numerous times it could be a small discoidal

Food for thought! You ask if other artifacts had been found in the area. Then you say stream or river tumbled. Think about that. Water = artifacts

I was referring to the stream or river being the ONLY way it turned out looking that way. You should think about that sometimes. SHAPE DOES NOT EQUAL ARTIFACT

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I'm sorry BudSmith I was commenting on NCfeildhunters remark. I'm not at all sure what you have there. If an artifact then discoidal would be my guess.

GatorBoy said:
I was referring to the stream or river being the ONLY way it turned out looking that way. You should think about that sometimes. SHAPE DOES NOT EQUAL ARTIFACT

I was just messin with you! ;-) I know!!

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