Any ideas of this stones use?


Bronze Member
Feb 18, 2013
Great Lakes
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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Its an Shaft Straightener.

Guess I should start going through my past collected "oddball" type of stones! ;)

....a shoe?...just kidding...that's real nice! Very modern looking to! Not "modern" that it's "new" but the way it's shaped...artistic! Thanks for sharing!

....a shoe?...just kidding...that's real nice! Very modern looking to! Not "modern" that it's "new" but the way it's shaped...artistic! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks ck, now that (thanks to the knowledgeable people here), it makes me think back and wonder how many stone artifacts I've tossed back on the shore for years!...Freaky thing about this 'arrow shaft straightener' is...IT was sitting on a shelf with.......MY hunting arrows!!! Weird!!

Interesting find! :thumbsup: Most stone arrow shaft straighteners that I have seen were a complete circle or hole. But that one may certainly have been used in such a manner.

Interesting find! :thumbsup: Most stone arrow shaft straighteners that I have seen were a complete circle or hole. But that one may certainly have been used in such a manner.
Thanks old digger, yeah, I thought it was probably "just another odd shape stone"! ha.

Wow, real nice - I love anything drilled or obviously shaped for tooling. Very unique, thanks for the pic

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