Anti Dredging video on youtube - Thumbs this video down and voice your thoughts


Bronze Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Hey everyone;

So I was cruising around searching dredging video's and this Anti Dredging video started popping up, a few times.
So I got on under my account CrainRacing and put my 2 cents in. You guys can read what I said and fact check me as it was long but I think that I addressed everything correctly.

Anyways, hop on YouTube, give this guy a Thumbs Down and comment on this irrelevant model.


What a joke....I thumbs downed and commented.

What has it got to do with dredging. To me it show"s what a river or stream. Does most every day of the year. Washes dirt and rocks down stream.

They built a "scale" model and then removed material at a rate which would be the equivalent of moving a large house with one fail swoop and water sped up to fill this massive void. Really!!! Certainly taking material out to scale should have been done, but it probably had little to no effect even under the sand conditions and didn't support the hypothesis. Simply bad science.

there are a lot of anti drival VIDs needing a thumbs down, i watch this a few times and it made no sense to me at all and yet it recived some kind of kudos from some, make comment and shut this propaganda down

Feel free to post other anti dredging video's up, I am game for a lot of thumbs down and factual comments. :)

Sorry I can't help but laugh at the bs environmental non sense over things they clearly do not understand. If they really cared they would shut down all roads, bridges, cities, or anything man made including solar and wind power. Or better yet off themselves so the population would be decreased. You know Rome had these kinda people that everyone listened to and look what happened to them. More treasure for us to find in the future! Yea!!!!

Sorry can't help but post something else, did anyone else catch the size and scale of the supposed river model? I am glad I don't come across consistent size gravel sand and cobble. Wouldn't wast my time, also where is the clay and lome we fight to even get a little gold, that stuff really cements. Another suggestion would be don't build so close to a stream even if you were allowed! :laughing7:

I think what this guy is trying to demonstrate is the effects of dredging as in removing sediment from a stream or river, I don't think he is referring to the effects of gold dredging, however it would be easy for those that are against us to use for their benefit.


goldgit'r while he didn't SAY Gold dredging, he left the door wide open for that to be tossed in.

I think what this guy is trying to demonstrate is the effects of dredging as in removing sediment from a stream or river, I don't think he is referring to the effects of gold dredging, however it would be easy for those that are against us to use for their benefit.


Not Gold mining specifically but same ol' argument one user group (fisherman) trying to stop the actions of another(property owners).

fowledup NO NO NO! THEY ARENT FISHERMEN they are ANGLERS! ( insert snarky and sarcastic inflection :D )

Sorry, I eat my fish if the size is right.

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I think if this guy really understood what it takes to get approval on any dredging let alone just gold dredging, he wouldn't have posted such foolishness. I don't want to even think about the environmental regs to jump through let alone the county, state, and fed regulations, and then the engineer approval an back through it all over again! No one doing that much damage is allowed without lots of "scientific " approval, and gov. Approval .

Does the guy realize that the handful of sand he scooped out to simulate dredge represents moving the entire river bed x 10? What a crock of ****, fake british accented douch

Actually I would bet this guy knows exactly what he is doing.
Him and his group know that using scare tactics and easy to follow bad science will gain more follows that don't want to think for themselves.
Then when anyone from outside of the group tries to uncover their deception the brainwashed sheeple will ignore all fact and logic and in turn attack tried and true science and logic.

Those kinds of people are why we have Kool-Aid cults and Ban-all Environuts.

The model he uses is typical of models used in basic general geology classes to show an erosionary process known as "down cutting". His model is flawed however, in that stabilization never occurs in the natural world. If streams and rivers were to remain "stable" the ecosystem fish depend on would actually be destroyed. The movement of in-stream material (erosion) is the principle by which gravels/cobbles/boulders/sands/silts get "washed" and "sorted" each year during high water turbidity.....and the process is called: "SORTING". If "annual sorting did not occur one ends up with stabilization and "silting in" of the gravels necessary for spawning fish (reproduction). The model used in the video fails to recognize the needed principles for fish propagation and fails to introduce the natural occurrences that perform the task his dredge concept conveys.

There is a reason why fish choose to spawn in the upper reaches of drainage systems where "down cutting" occurs, as opposed to the lower areas of drainage where deposition occurs. The reason is the sorting/cleansing action that nature provides. A small suction dredge performs the same function.
So what you see is a half truth........that side of the process uneducated people might buy in to.


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