Another treasure map that turned out to be real.


Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
In a tax haven some where
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Here is another treasure map of sorts that does not provide the magical X marks the spot but does describe a lost Spanish shipwreck that about 100 years old in 1752


To be continued......


There is in the library of congress a map. A new & accurate map of Bermudas or Sommer's Islands, taken from an actual survey; wherein the errors of former charts are corrected. here is some detail on this 1752 map.


Whats interesting on this historical map is footnote of supposed rich Spanish shipwreck below.


This why shipwreck hunters always consult maps such as this to find hidden gems of information.


Well ironically the information was there about this mysterious Spanish shipwreck.

Now in the exact same location as writing on the map treasure was found.


The San Pedro was the first real treasure that was ever found on Bermuda’s reef. The haul included pearl buttons; disks, cubes, and bars of gold; hundreds of gold and silver coins; a gold chain and the emerald cross, not to mention hundreds of historic artifacts.


The cross and accompanying discoveries on the San Pedro received worldwide media coverage in January 1956 and was described as the most significant treasure haul found in the western hemisphere. Life Magazine and most illustrated publications in North America and Europe printed stories about the treasure.


To be continued.......


In 1595 the cross was in transit from South America to Spain when the San Pedro lost its escort in a ferocious storm and was ripped apart on Bermuda’s deadly reefs. Spanish expeditions to the wreck site in the months that followed failed to recover the treasure.

Along with the pearl buttons, the cross, most likely formed the ceremonial adornments for a bishop. But it was more than just incredible jewelry – it was a vessel for carrying sacred relics.

'The cross was by far the most important find we had made up to that date. It had seven emeralds that were set in such a fashion to symbolize and tell the story of the Crucifixion.


The main gold structure of the cross consisted of four pieces,


which could be dismantled like a Chinese puzzle. The back could be removed by twisting four gold studs which revealed a shallow recess, with two sets of opposing pointed keys to hold a sacred relic in place.'
The media were not the only ones interested in the cross.

Teddy declared the treasure to the Bermudian government and presented the finds to local dignitaries and government officials. Shortly afterwards the Bermudian government announced that the treasure belonged to them, stating that Bermuda’s territorial seabed was part of the British Crown Estate.


Unfazed, Teddy told them that if that was the case then he would take it all back to the reef and they could look for it themselves. Knowing Teddy as a man of his word they agreed to negotiate.

To be continued


Another interested party was US Ambassador to Italy, Clare Boothe Luce. A leading conservative she had converted to Roman Catholicism ten years earlier and on learning about the cross arranged to visit Teddy.

They met at the house of Teddy's friend, photographer, Freddie Hamilton where she offered Teddy $100,000 for the cross. He said he could not accept but she persisted, finally offering $200,000 which Teddy again declined. 'At which point the discussion became quite heated.


She was a wealthy socialite, a powerful politician. I'm sure she was not used to people saying no to her especially some young diver from this little island.' Wendy Tucker. A year later Clare Boothe Luce sent a representative to Bermuda instructing Teddy to name his price. Once again he declined.

To be continued........


The Bermudian government had by this time agreed that the treasure did belong to Teddy but if he wanted to sell it he had to offer it to them first. 'His overriding desire was for the treasure to stay together in Bermuda. He described it as Bermuda's Crown Jewels.

That's why he sold it for such a reasonable price.' Wendy Tucker. The treasure haul including the cross was finally sold to the Bermudian government for ÂŁ35,000 a fraction of its true value ( the cross alone was estimated to be worth $250,000 at the time). The 'Tucker Treasure' was put on public display at the aquarium.


Teddy was in his early thirties when he found the treasure and it was a pivotal moment in his life. It secured for him the funds and credibility to dedicate his time to searching for more wrecks.

At a time when the exploration of space and the ocean was romanticized in popular culture like never before, Teddy's discovery thrust him into the limelight. Celebrities, journalists and fellow explorers sought him out when they visited the island. If you wanted to go diving in Bermuda, who better than with Teddy Tucker?


unfortunately later it was stolen and the cross has never seen the light of day since.

But as you can see the 1752 correlated to where this treasure was found. So in effect the map is real treasure map if only by default.

Yet there is one mystery on this maps that may also lead to treasure. on the bottom of the map states Flemish shipwrecks?


They have never been searched for or verified?


Here is a picture below where the treasure was found.



It goes to show while treasure maps are not common they are more common that you think.

While many maps are fake some do give clues leading to treasure.


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