Today , Robert and I invited a friend to join us in a hunt of a CW camp we recently discovered. We hunted for about 3 hrs. i found 1 and 1/2 Sharps Carbine bullets and a nice gold gilted eagle "I" button. Our friend found 5 or 6 Sharps carbine bullets and an eagle button. Robert found a Sharps carbine bullet and a 1945 wheat penny. We all found the usual pieces of pocket knives, brass pieces and shotgun shells. After we disbanded , I had it in my mind to try to dig up another CW shell, so I headed out to the field where I found the 2 shells yesterday. I didnt find any full shells but I found a few fragments and another half of a parrot fuse and some lead sabot pieces. All in all , a good day of hunting.
Thanx for looking and HH y'all
Thanx for looking and HH y'all
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