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The weather was so nice I skipped out of work a little early yesterday and hit the same lake I found the SLQ and Franklin last week. The spot I'm hunting used to be an old dock, with just the pilings left. There's lots of junk densely packed in a relatively small area so it's slow and steady work clearing the pull tabs and leaded tin cans to find the silver. I'm taking it one piling to piling space at a time. These finds came from the same space I found last weeks silver. Guess I got all the quarters last week but missed this Franklin. Before I went down I chopped a hard rake down to a manageable size for use underwater. The lake is pretty weedy and muddy and a rake would be really helpful for clearing the undergrowth. Worked like a charm. I even left it down there in 8ft of water for the next time. I would have found more silver this time around but at about 1600 lbs (1/2 a tank) my VibroProbe cut out on me. I just charged its rechargeable 9V last night too! Can't wait to go back for another tank !
HH SeattleALE
HH SeattleALE