This spear shaped item was found in a field along with other old farm items like pichforks and axe heads. There are no holes or weld marks. The item is aprox 10 inches long and is made of iron.
Zrod87, That is a very cool relic. We would need to know a general area of where you found it, how deep was it, what other types of artifacts (photos) were in the area, etc... to help you determine what you have there. Since you used inches as a measurement, we can assume you are in the USA? Take more pix, sides, with measuring tape. Thanks, Sub
I will post more pictures soon, the object was on the surface along with many other farm items including sickles and gaurds. Its very thin, and gradually gets thicker near the "hilt". I am quite familiar with most old farm equipment and this seems a little out of place. It was likely a hand tool in my opinion, and was found with other early 1900's barn tools.