America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date with Destiny

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America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date with Destiny

truther October 9, 2013

Dave Hodges

The winds of change are blowing across America. The following events, detailed below, mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the federal government and the people not of the federal government. We are at a definitive crossroads in history and I can scarcely believe what I am witnessing.

After reading the following accounts which have transpired in the past few days, it will become clear to the reader that we are moving into times of unprecedented change. These changes are promising and exciting, yet are very frightening.

Arizona State Government Weighing Options to Defy the Obama Administration

Will the country soon be following Governor Brewer’s lead?

Since the historic finger pointing encounter on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport over the controversial immigration related issue of SB1070, it is no secret that Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, and President Obama do not like each other. In fact, to say that they don’t like each other is a gross understatement.

Presently in Arizona, there are 7,000 hurting families which derive their livelihood from tourism at the Grand Canyon. Obama has ordered the shutdown of the Canyon in regard to the budget impasse.

Governor Brewer is actually considering the use of the State’s National Guard to man the Grand Canyon in defiance of the federal order which shut down the park. Arizona is awaiting Brewer’s next move as she contemplates how to stand up the tyranny emanating from Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Defies Obama’s Shutdown Orders

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said he’s not closing the federal lands to visitors, in a stunning defiance of the National Park Service’s demand to close certain areas. The federal government had specifically ordered park officials in Wisconsin to close doors on Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake and Interstate parks, as well as sections of Horicon Marsh. Interestingly, most of the impacted areas are actually owned by the state.

The state Department of Natural Resources said most of the Wisconsin’s parks that the federal government targeted for closure get most of their money from Wisconsin taxpayers and not from the federal government. Walker has reiterated that state park authorities have stated that they’re not complying with the federal order.

Maine Governor Refuses to Drink From the Federal Common Core Kool-Aid

Maine Governor Paul LaPage recently signed an executive order (EO) in which the Governor declared that the public schools in Maine are locally controlled that student’s personal information will not be shared with any corporations nor any federal agencies.

LaPage’s EO states that “the Department of Education shall not adopt any educational standards, curricula or instructional approaches that may be mandated by the federal government. That the Department of Education shall not apply for any federal grant that requires, as a condition of application, the adoption of any federally-developed standards, curricula or instructional approaches.”

Clearly, Governor LaPage is telling the federal government that Maine’s children are not the property of the misguided Obamacrats. This stunning development makes me want to move to Maine.

Three governors, representing 13.5 million citizens are saying “No Thank You” to the President and the federal government. This is only the tip of the iceberg of Americans who are becoming willing to thumb their noses at the federal government.
Average Citizens Are Getting Into the Act

John Ervin and his family were visiting Washington DC with his family and his daughter desperately wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial. John went around the barrier and went to the memorial on behalf of his daughter in an act of civil disobedience. Martha Tazzioli and her sons from Seattle, WA., also engaged in civil disobedience and circumvented the barriers to a national monument, albeit with the rangers looking the other way.

Vietnam veterans defied the shutdown orders at the Vietnam Memorial. There were reports that police ordered tourists and Vietnam War veterans who were visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to leave the memorial at one point this past Friday. The veterans went around the barricade until more police showed up in force, NBC’s Mark Seagraves reported. Please allow me to pause for a moment and remind everyone that these vets showed up to pay respect to their fallen friends and comrades and they were denied their right to do so by a President who kept his own federally funded golf course open. America lost over 58,000 of her finest in Vietnam and we tolerate the continual displays of disrespect for our culture, our traditions and our bravest members of society from a person like Obama?

Another group of Americans have engaged in defying the federal government and it is the WWII veterans. Is there a more respected group of Americans than our WWII veterans?

A level of commitment and sacrifice that Obama, Holder and Clinton will never know.

These brave WWII veterans stormed barricades blocking the WWII Memorial in Washington DC, just as they did when they stormed beaches at Normandy, nearly, sixty years ago. The German and the Japanese armies did not stand a chance against our amazing soldiers and neither does Obama. Take a good look at the WWII veterans pictured below, we will not have any of them for much longer. God Bless these brave men who demonstrate an understanding of what it means to be an American unlike the Kenyan pictured above whose idea of combat is trying to keep his tee shot on the fairway.

America’s greatest generation still engaged in opposing tyrants.

We have governors of states, brave veterans, and average people defying the federal government. What does this all of this mean? It means that the worm has turned and America is finally beginning to stand up and say no to the tyrants who comprise the minions which serve the central bankers who have hijacked our government. It means that America has just entered a major shift in its attitude towards its government. The events of civil disobedience, occurring over the past week cannot be overstated.

Part two of this series will explore this new found level of civil disobedience, which is beginning to touch many of us from our statehouses to the houses that we live in, and what it means for our collective futures. And like with most change Part two will reveal that there is both an upside and a downside to any change and this is no different. America, we live in historic times

but wait, Obama brought us all together. :laughing7: This Country is tearing apart, good vs. evil, right vs left, common sense vs ignorance. How sad for this once great Country. I pray all the Vet's who died for us; will forgive us for letting it get this far out of control.

Gotta love our Governor. I also have it on good authority, she is considering reinstating the Arizona Rangers and activating the State Defense Force, which by current estimates is around 350,000 strong.

he lost me at "the Kenyan pictured above".:dontknow:

why did the congressional gymnasium stay open during this time of tribulation? Do you think it's because President Obama wants to beat Boehner in a game of horse?

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Gotta love our Governor. I also have it on good authority, she is considering reinstating the Arizona Rangers and activating the State Defense Force, which by current estimates is around 350,000 strong.

uhh, you might want to check into that statement. It seems Arizona doesn't have a state defense force, mostly due to the cheapness of the citizens of the state not wanting to pay taxes to fund one. But then again, you may be talking about the armed citizens becoming a posse of sorts. I don't think they get state or federal recognition.

uhh, you might want to check into that statement. It seems Arizona doesn't have a state defense force, mostly due to the cheapness of the citizens of the state not wanting to pay taxes to fund one. But then again, you may be talking about the armed citizens becoming a posse of sorts. I don't think they get state or federal recognition.

Yea, actually we do. It's just not well known. Only open to current or former military right now.AZ Gets State Defense Force Law; Now It's Time to Act | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

insanity...pure and simple...

Insanity is pushing through a healthcare law nobody wants. Hell, even is slamming the law. For all your griping and complaining about how healthcare shoul be a right for everyone, you and many others just gave the healthcare industry everything they wanted.

My Obamacare report card: After 1 week an 'F'- MSN Money

From the article by the left loving
An experiment in market economics
I had another reason for obtaining a policy through the exchange other than trying to save money: I wanted to see if this experiment in hybrid market economics that combined private insurers with a public exchange would work.

What many don't know about the ACA is that private insurance companies will still set premiums based on local medical costs, utilization, whether you smoke (costs are higher) and your age. But they can't "underwrite" based on pre-existing conditions. I thought private insurance companies were bad?

For example, utilization of health care in Illinois is much higher in the Northeastern part of the state, that is, the Chicago metropolitan area (as it is in most urban areas), compared with downstate or by the Mississippi River. In fact, the highest prices were in the "collar" counties of Lake, McHenry, Kane and DuPage (I live in Lake County), which wasn't good news for me. So pricing is still going to be driven by market demand?

According to an analysis by The Associated Press, the lowest-cost "silver" plan, a benchmark for affordable premiums, was a bargain $268 per month for a 50-year-old in Mercer County (population: 16,000), in the northwestern part of the state along the Mississippi. The same person in Kane County (just west of Chicago) would pay $300 more a year. Of course, pricing insurance based on prevailing local medical costs is hardly new and doesn't break any new ground in insurance coverage. Once again, pricing is going to be driven by market demand? I thought making a profit was bad?

I'm also leery about whether insurers will resort to offering low-ball "teaser" prices to get your business for a year, then ratchet up premiums after you've been insured for a while. In my experience, that's been a perennial bug-a-boo; I've never seen premiums adjusted downward. Weren't premiums supposed to stay affordable?

Another concern is what kinds of arrangements the insurers have negotiated with local networks of hospitals. Will my doctor and local hospitals be part of the plan we ultimately choose? Would we be willing to switch providers if they weren't? Wow, so people may NOT be able to keep their doctors after all?

Insanity is pissing on those who chose to defend this country by spending more money on closing an open air monument dedicated to Veterans to keep them out. Insanity is denying on group their rights to the First amendment the allowing another group to practice it based on political rhetoric.

Insanity is calling to who chose to defend this country potential terrorists.

And you are surprised at the backlash now?

Insanity is pushing through a healthcare law nobody wants. Hell, even is slamming the law. For all your griping and complaining about how healthcare shoul be a right for everyone, you and many others just gave the healthcare industry everything they wanted.

My Obamacare report card: After 1 week an 'F'- MSN Money

From the article by the left loving
An experiment in market economics
I had another reason for obtaining a policy through the exchange other than trying to save money: I wanted to see if this experiment in hybrid market economics that combined private insurers with a public exchange would work.

What many don't know about the ACA is that private insurance companies will still set premiums based on local medical costs, utilization, whether you smoke (costs are higher) and your age. But they can't "underwrite" based on pre-existing conditions. I thought private insurance companies were bad?

For example, utilization of health care in Illinois is much higher in the Northeastern part of the state, that is, the Chicago metropolitan area (as it is in most urban areas), compared with downstate or by the Mississippi River. In fact, the highest prices were in the "collar" counties of Lake, McHenry, Kane and DuPage (I live in Lake County), which wasn't good news for me. So pricing is still going to be driven by market demand?

According to an analysis by The Associated Press, the lowest-cost "silver" plan, a benchmark for affordable premiums, was a bargain $268 per month for a 50-year-old in Mercer County (population: 16,000), in the northwestern part of the state along the Mississippi. The same person in Kane County (just west of Chicago) would pay $300 more a year. Of course, pricing insurance based on prevailing local medical costs is hardly new and doesn't break any new ground in insurance coverage. Once again, pricing is going to be driven by market demand? I thought making a profit was bad?

I'm also leery about whether insurers will resort to offering low-ball "teaser" prices to get your business for a year, then ratchet up premiums after you've been insured for a while. In my experience, that's been a perennial bug-a-boo; I've never seen premiums adjusted downward. Weren't premiums supposed to stay affordable?

Another concern is what kinds of arrangements the insurers have negotiated with local networks of hospitals. Will my doctor and local hospitals be part of the plan we ultimately choose? Would we be willing to switch providers if they weren't? Wow, so people may NOT be able to keep their doctors after all?

Insanity is pissing on those who chose to defend this country by spending more money on closing an open air monument dedicated to Veterans to keep them out. Insanity is denying on group their rights to the First amendment the allowing another group to practice it based on political rhetoric.

Insanity is calling to who chose to defend this country potential terrorists.

And you are surprised at the backlash now?
LOL...there's nothing to gain by arguing with insanity, Mad. The reason we're in trouble is the insane are running this place.

Here's some more "Insanity".

A good friend of mine is at UC Davis for Entomology and sent me this.

UC Davis Entomologist Lynn Kimsey Discovers New Species of Wasp: Gigantic Wasp With Long, Powerful Jaws - UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology

From the article:

In her entire career as entomologist, she’s discovered close to 300 new species. But on three trips to Sulawesi, she’s brought back to the Bohart Museum “hundreds, maybe thousands of new species.”
“It will take years, maybe generations, to go through them all,” Kimsey said.

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We are "destroying" the world. "Biodiversity" is dying off to "human" causes. Yet we find new species everyday. We "rediscover" species supposedly extinct. And we forget the fact that this big old ball of dirt we live on has killed off 99% of the species that ever existed long before we "affected" the environment.

And when this big old ball of dirt gets tired of us, it'll pop the cork on Yellowstone and it's game over.

for some strange reason Jan Brewer happened to say, "Bring on Obamacare, we need the jobs and the money". Why would she do something like that or can we blame it on the water?

I'm confused here, first there were 350,000 state defense forces, not including the Arizona Cardinals, and now they are just beginning to start one, but they have no way of paying for it. Which is it?

wait, you think you should get the same rates as not smokers? why? Do you also think you should be able to get three DUIs and not have to pay the hike in auto insurance also?

quechteon 2: Is there a median wage difference between just east of Chicago and Mercer county Mississippi? What would that difference be? No one said making a profit was bad, but using 30% for overhead, 30% for executive salaries, 20% for medical care and 10% for overall waste is a lot difference than requiring insurance companies to use 80% of premiums for actual healthcare.

BTW:Richard M. Bracken, the CEO of HCA Holdings Inc (Hospital Corporation of America) receives a salary of $46,359,249.00 per year. Why?

the rest of your post didn't make any sense. Did that really come off of

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Insanity is pissing on those who chose to defend this country by spending more money on closing an open air monument dedicated to Veterans to keep them out. Insanity is denying on group their rights to the First amendment the allowing another group to practice it based on political rhetoric.

Insanity is calling to who chose to defend this country potential terrorists.

And you are surprised at the backlash now?

I'll assume this is the part your talking about.

Closing an open air monuments that are open 24/7 and dedicated to veterans because of a government shutdown but opening the National Mall to a pro-immigration rally is pissing on veterans. By the way, 8 Democrat Representatives were arrested at that rally.

Remember what DHS did?

The Arizona State Defense Force has always been here, it just wasn't "official". The Arizona Constitution specifically allows it. All the law did was formally recognize it. Those involved at this point pay for their own gear, much like The Arizona Rangers do.

for some strange reason Jan Brewer happened to say, "Bring on Obamacare, we need the jobs and the money". Why would she do something like that or can we blame it on the water? Interesting, I'll look into that one.

I'm confused here, first there were 350,000 state defense forces, not including the Arizona Cardinals, and now they are just beginning to start one, but they have no way of paying for it. Which is it? Answered above.

wait, you think you should get the same rates as not smokers? I never said everyone should pay the same rates based on risk factors. why? Do you also think you should be able to get three DUIs and not have to pay the hike in auto insurance also? Funny thing you should bring up the DUI thing. It's a choice. So since you brought that up, a pre existing condition, like obesity, is a risk factor. So since that is a risk factor your ok with them paying a higher rate, like smokers. In most cases, obesity is behavior based. I have several friends who went through gastric bypass surgery. Most followed the required diet and lost a tremendous amount of weight. One ex-friend didn't follow the diet and didn't lose anything and finally filed for disability based on obesity. I have no problem paying for those that try. I have a problem paying for leeches.

quechteon 2: Is there a median wage difference between just east of Chicago and Mercer county Mississippi? So those that make more, should pay more, right? The whole income equality thing AGAIN? What would that difference be? Reread the article, According to an analysis by The Associated Press, the lowest-cost "silver" plan, a benchmark for affordable premiums, was a bargain $268 per month for a 50-year-old in Mercer County (population: 16,000), in the northwestern part of the state along the Mississippi. The same person in Kane County (just west of Chicago) would pay $300 more a year. Of course, pricing insurance based on prevailing local medical costs is hardly new and doesn't break any new ground in insurance coverage No one said making a profit was bad, but using 30% for overhead, 30% for executive salaries, 20% for medical care and 10% for overall waste is a lot difference than requiring insurance companies to use 80% of premiums for actual healthcare. So instead of passing a cluster of a bill, we simply reform the TORT laws. Lawsuits are what has driven the cost of healthcare up.Suing a Doctor because you have a scar from life saving surgery is ludicrous, but if that same Doctor leaves his watch in your gut, game on. Remove the barriers so insurance companies can compete across State lines. The one with the best coverage and prices wins out in the end.

BTW:Richard M. Bracken, the CEO of HCA Holdings Inc (Hospital Corporation of America) receives a salary of $46,359,249.00 per year. Why? Why not? Do you have his education or experience? Last I checked we only had a minimum wage law in this country, not a maximum wage law. So I guess you would be upset if I told you I'm over six figures a year as a Machinist? Should I have my income limited because I am only a Machinist? Should I not get paid for the experience I have? Should I not get paid more since we Machinists are in high demand and short supply right know?

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I'm going to clarify a few things here for you in hopes that you'll better understand my position.

The terms Machinist and Millwright are used interchangeably depending on what part of the country your in. Now I am one of the last of the true Millwrights. A true Millwright is a certified electrician, a Machinist that makes widgets and other necessary parts to repair equipment, a certified welder in multiple types of welding including TIG and exotic metals, and a certified Mechanic.

In other words, I can tear something completely apart and rebuild it will making 95% of the parts needed to rebuild it.

I get paid for my abilities, knowledge, and experience. I also have one of those "Cadillac" health plans that was worth a lot more than those who wanted to pay higher with less benefits. I have kids so the benefits were big thing. I am here because I busted my butt and made hard choices. I spent years chasing my own work through here. Nuclear, Technical, Professional and Power Industry Jobs -- and travelling all over the country. I got tired off living on the road and took the job here. It was a pay cut but better benefits. So because I chose better benefits to take care of my kids I have to pay a 40% tax on it? Way to punish success.

The work is out there if your willing to go after it. Now the company I for work is reimbursing me $5650 a year to go back to school for something I want through our employee development program.

So you see, I have very little pity for those who complain they can't find work. Some jobs suck, some don't. if I had to scrub toilets, even with my experience, to feed my kids, so be it. If I have to take a truck driving job until something in my field opens up, I'll do it. Would I hate every minute of it? Damn straight I would. But I know I would be putting food in my kids bellies, a roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs while not selling myself or my family into a permanent life of dependence that is no better than the life of a slave in the Old South.

I forgot to add that most of the labor type jobs on Roadtech pay union scale and $65 and up a day per diem. You gotta travel, but working 2 12 week shutdowns a year is making bank. When I left the road game I was getting $38 an hour plus $100 a day per diem. We worked 7 12's for 12 weeks straight, mostly in the spring and fall and took the summers and winters off. Time and a half after 8, Saturdays were automatic time and a half, and Sundays were double time. Easy way to work 6 months a year make over 6 figures a year.

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Spot on M.M. Been teaching my son the same philosophy In his 40's he's manged to get his degree in haz mat, boat pilot, firefighting, FbI bomb school, and railroad disaster.He's manged to put 1/4 mil in a saving vehicle tied to the stock market. But to pay for all his hunting, fishing, Disney trips, and some good old ATV trips in Arizona He wash's windows for about 20 clients When people say they are looking for work half of them have no Idea how to find one.
he invested 500$ in that venture and turns about 15G's a year. He also d ice's planes in the winter. He's the last one you see before take off. SMILE.

I have a lot of compassion, but zero pity. Many of these people have absolutely no one to blame but themselves.

Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Extended to January 1, 2014, Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

Emergency unemployment extension to help the unemployed.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Almost $4 billion made available for retraining.

2010 Trade Adjustment Assistance

2010 Trade Adjustment Assistance 2nd Distribution


Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011

It's not my fault so many didn't take advantage of the opportunity they were given nor is it now my responsibility to now take care of those who chose to sit at home on their duffs.

Give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day and make him dependent. Teach that man TO fish and you will feed him for life and make him independent.

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