Maybe a little of both. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some of my most coveted things are of little interest to others. So yes, it is amazing! Enjoy the heck out of it!
I see you said you are new at our great hobby and it is very common for "newbies" to see faces in stone and believe they are carved into the stone by man. We all do see the same faces as you do, at least I do, but years of experience tell me they are just freaks of nature and formed by natural erosion, not by man. They are cool, and even after 50+ years of collecting I too still bring some home from time to time to put around the flower gardens, but they are in no way, shape, or form an artifact of any kind. Hope this helps and remember to keep your eyes to the ground. You never know what that next step will bring.
I believe you would get better responses under geological forum where you can post under the rocks/gems forum. None of the rocks you posted are artifacts I think you will know for sure when you come across one and look forward to seeing pics when you do. Good luck
If your really wanting to find artifacts don't get discouraged you can learn a lot hear. And if you just really like rocks Well like others said there's a forum for that.