Amazing gold technique.. Pretty cool discovery( todays finds) at the river


Sr. Member
Aug 17, 2010
Yep I did it again, back out to the good old north Georgia hills to my favorite free public property river access point.
Yeah, so, I took a box bass amplifier speaker magnet out.. This sucker is huge, about half a foot across and weight 20 or so pounds. It's got a metal rim on it like a steering wheel about a foot and three inches across. like this /--\ , where the two dashes are the large magnet.
Well I dragged it over and through areas where I've been finding gold... And I came to an amazing solution. You CAN find gold with a magnet, meaning even gold can be magnetic( if you understand why)
And here's why... Magnetic black sands from gold bearing creeks settle right along side if not on top or under gold itself. Using a magnet to collect black sands can grab gold which sticks to the black sand. Often, the gold ITSELF also becomes coated or along side the magnetic hematite.. BAM . Magnetic gold... Now, don't get too excited yet.
This technique also offers insight into which areas have been worked with a dredge or by sluice, as a sluice tends to collect these heavies... I discovered by my magnetic sampling that areas I though had been worked infact had a nice layer of heavy materials on top.. and perhaps deeper. and areas that I knew had been dredged recently contained very little magnetic material, even though the area appeared very promising.
SO... what did I do with all these magnetics I got? Well for one, they are all different sized, the biggest about the size of a pea. So I've clearly got some naturally occurring iron chunks, ore, salts and oxides of ferrous.
And what's more, is that some tellurides, and even other precious metals like plat and silver can be stuck inside these black sands( on the magnet)
If done commercially with mega super power magnets on large rivers with heavy minerals, the resulting sands could be forged and smelted into high quality, valuable steels.( which has been done)
I also found a few nice flakes of gold out of my shoot tube( rain gutter sluice) And a nice chunk of promising looking quartz.
I brought home about 1/2 cup of magnetic black sands( with about 10% non magnetic material stuck to it) of that 10% non magnetic stuck to it, I'd wager there's some gold and or platinum.
Today I also discovered what "rusty" gold looks like.. Yes.. rusty gold. It's a fine powder gold that's rust colored.. But wait! Use a little vinegar and salt in a wash rinse and BAM... back to the shinies.

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Im to tired to, maybe to much beer to under stand!!!!! HH Chug!!!!

Chug and Red said:
Im to tired to, maybe to much beer to under stand!!!!! HH Chug!!!!


And yes it's a bit technical and sorta advanced in the prospecting community, but I'm sure some people understand.
If there's a particular part you don't understand, please ask.

Also, maybe a Moderator could move this over to the gold prospecting forum.

Yeah, and , the bag of magnetic sands is REALLY heavy... it's an optical illusion to mass :)

Please reply if you know what I'm doing and if you've done it to...


I know what you are doing although I've never done it. I was watching an episode of Gold Fever where a guy from Los Angeles would gather material from some place where he wouldn't say exactly, but it was close to downtown. I think it was drainage ditches or something similar.

Anyhow, the guy would gather all of his material in the field and then bring it home to process. He used a high banker type of a setup and would slowly feed his classified materials through there. Because the material had so much black sand, he would use a magnet to pull out all the black sand from the riffles of the sluice portion of the high banker and then he would put all the black sand into a separate container. After he cleaned up the sluice he would lay out all the black sand in container in the sun to let them dry.

Once the black sand was completely dry, he would use a magnet and a series of plastic trays to pull out the black sand, leaving behind fine flour gold. He kept doing this and it was amazing to see how much gold was mixed in with the black sand. And remember, he pulled the black sand and the gold out of the sluice box with a magnet.

Check out this video on YouTube showing how to use magnets to separate black sand from gold. This was not part of the Gold Fever show but it is very similar:

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