Always wondered about something


Nov 17, 2004
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I live in an area known for its GOLD mines and being the first place in the US to have a major gold discovery... If your wondering or thinking your head off, its NC.. (Cabarrus County has REED'S Gold mine, where in 1799 Conrad Reed found a 17 lb Gold Nugget)
Anywho... back to the question...
I know that gold has been mined, panned, sluiced... etc here for almost 225 years... and I have been here metal detecting for 25+ years..
Why doesn't anyone ever find nuggets in the soil as they are detecting ? Kinda like they do in Australia ? (or maybe someone has ?)
Also, I know that 200 years ago miners did not have metal detectors obviously, so has anyone ever entered an abandoned mine and was scanning the walls of the mine and discovered a gold vein that was missed by + - 6 inches in the walls and been able to recover a substantial amount of native gold that our forefather prospectors missed ?
Just stuff I've always wondered about..

There seems to be a triangle from your area to North Georgia down to McCormick SC. Most people don't realize that gold is still there. I have found quartz gold while camping in Georgia and McCormick, SC.

I live in an area known for its GOLD mines and being the first place in the US to have a major gold discovery... If your wondering or thinking your head off, its NC.. (Cabarrus County has REED'S Gold mine, where in 1799 Conrad Reed found a 17 lb Gold Nugget)
Anywho... back to the question...
I know that gold has been mined, panned, sluiced... etc here for almost 225 years... and I have been here metal detecting for 25+ years..
Why doesn't anyone ever find nuggets in the soil as they are detecting ? Kinda like they do in Australia ? (or maybe someone has ?)
Also, I know that 200 years ago miners did not have metal detectors obviously, so has anyone ever entered an abandoned mine and was scanning the walls of the mine and discovered a gold vein that was missed by + - 6 inches in the walls and been able to recover a substantial amount of native gold that our forefather prospectors missed ?
Just stuff I've always wondered about..
Had a fun day rappelling into a shaft with my dad. We found detectable visible gold in a 4”-6” milk white quartz vein. Quartz was too hard to break out (only threw sparks). We left it there but pulled a small handful of gold out of a vein on the wall further down a tunnel. Yes it’s out there, but also very dangerous due to the length of time since any maintenance has been done.

I live in an area known for its GOLD mines and being the first place in the US to have a major gold discovery... If your wondering or thinking your head off, its NC.. (Cabarrus County has REED'S Gold mine, where in 1799 Conrad Reed found a 17 lb Gold Nugget)
Anywho... back to the question...
I know that gold has been mined, panned, sluiced... etc here for almost 225 years... and I have been here metal detecting for 25+ years..
Why doesn't anyone ever find nuggets in the soil as they are detecting ? Kinda like they do in Australia ? (or maybe someone has ?)
Also, I know that 200 years ago miners did not have metal detectors obviously, so has anyone ever entered an abandoned mine and was scanning the walls of the mine and discovered a gold vein that was missed by + - 6 inches in the walls and been able to recover a substantial amount of native gold that our forefather prospectors missed ?
Just stuff I've always wondered about..
I have heard of and known guys who detect in old reef mine shafts and drives. Yeah some got gold but two guys I met once, the next time it was just one. His friend, the other guy, fell victim to deadly gas and died. The other was so affected by what happened he sold all his gear and gave up detecting.
I went in one once, found a miners lamp on a wall, got spooked and was the last and only time I ever did it.

I live in an area known for its GOLD mines and being the first place in the US to have a major gold discovery... If your wondering or thinking your head off, its NC.. (Cabarrus County has REED'S Gold mine, where in 1799 Conrad Reed found a 17 lb Gold Nugget)
Anywho... back to the question...
I know that gold has been mined, panned, sluiced... etc here for almost 225 years... and I have been here metal detecting for 25+ years..
Why doesn't anyone ever find nuggets in the soil as they are detecting ? Kinda like they do in Australia ? (or maybe someone has ?)
Also, I know that 200 years ago miners did not have metal detectors obviously, so has anyone ever entered an abandoned mine and was scanning the walls of the mine and discovered a gold vein that was missed by + - 6 inches in the walls and been able to recover a substantial amount of native gold that our forefather prospectors missed ?
Just stuff I've always wondered about..
And I'm more referring to why people don't get Gold Nuggets hunting the fields around here when this area was so saturated with gold or is most of it too small to pick up ? Like Gold dust ?

And I'm more referring to why people don't get Gold Nuggets hunting the fields around here when this area was so saturated with gold or is most of it too small to pick up ? Like Gold dust ?
There has been a few found.
John that used to post on the Random Chat found one a year back or more in a park.
The club in England has found a few in the fields over the years.
I think most folks that detect won't dig small targets.

You probably also have a fair number of people who find things that never say anything. Last thing you want is some town schmuck coming up with some reason why you can’t keep the hunk of gold you found.

I share the fly poops I dig up but rest assured I’d be all sealed lips if I found something I was afraid of losing.

As for my fly poops. Fun but nearly worthless.

I mean, statistically if it’s a gold baring district and huge chunks have been found there before you be your ass there are some more around.

There has been a few found.
John that used to post on the Random Chat found one a year back or more in a park.
The club in England has found a few in the fields over the years.
I think most folks that detect won't dig small targets.
Small nugget vs gold cuff link? Gotta be similar signal.

You probably also have a fair number of people who find things that never say anything. Last thing you want is some town schmuck coming up with some reason why you can’t keep the hunk of gold you found.

I share the fly poops I dig up but rest assured I’d be all sealed lips if I found something I was afraid of losing.

As for my fly poops. Fun but nearly worthless.
“Last thing you want is some town schmuck coming up with some reason why you can’t keep the hunk of gold you found.”

Why would some “town Schmuck” have any say on the ownership of a chunk of gold you found honestly - fair and square? I’m confused.

Are you saying some random town guy could walk up to you and demand some chunk of gold that you just found? Sounds like some Chicago gang stuff right there.

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Are you saying some random town guy could walk up to you and demand some chunk of gold that you just found? Sounds like some Chicago gang stuff right there.

I believe he was referring to the city/county government passing an anti-detecting law.

I see your in NC... So.... you prolly already know that the largest gold nugget ever found in North America was in NC... and it was a 17 pound nugget to be exact.

I must admit i have always wondered the same thing Torr...

Like when i would watch Nome Alaska guys or Gold Rush guys and all the tailings etc... why the hell they did not have a metal detector attached at the hip 24-7.
Bothered me really... never once saw on a show anyone detect... crazy.

I know that folks detect tailings in certain areas.
They do find gold and not just little bits.
Just because it wasn't viewed on TN doesn't mean it never happened.

Small nugget vs gold cuff link? Gotta be similar signal.
Explain to me how the signal would be similar?

Just using this as an example:

Gold nugget weight 1/3 of a gram
Gold cufflink weight 2 grams

Gold nugget 24K
cufflink 9-18K

Just the size difference between the 2 is another factor.

“Last thing you want is some town schmuck coming up with some reason why you can’t keep the hunk of gold you found.”

Why would some “town Schmuck” have any say on the ownership of a chunk of gold you found honestly - fair and square? I’m confused.

Are you saying some random town guy could walk up to you and demand some chunk of gold that you just found? Sounds like some Chicago gang stuff right there.
I'll give it a shot..... What's meant is that somebody will question about how you came upon possession of said gold nugget or........ coins.

Now straight to the point: If you found something on somebody's else's property are you going to announce this to the world or keep your mouth shut....? If you found it in your front yard then take some pics, video and tell the world.

The Kentucky Hoard was found on the guys own property.... He told the world.
The California couple found cans of gold coins on their own property...

Now if you were just out walking and exploring the woods or pasture and you found a big gold nugget on somebody else's property would you tell the world or post it online for some "schmuck" to question....? OR.... if you were near a small cave entrance and just happened upon two leather bags under 2 flat rocks with one holding 205 gold coins from civil war era... who the hell would you tell or why? That person should keep their mouth shut and sell them off 1 at a time over time.

So I believe the person's point was if you didn't find it on YOUR property then somebody else could question where did you take it from.

Explain to me how the signal would be similar?

Just using this as an example:

Gold nugget weight 1/3 of a gram
Gold cufflink weight 2 grams

Gold nugget 24K
cufflink 9-18K

Just the size difference between the 2 is another factor.
I’ve spent more than a few hours actually digging up gold nuggets and found that they come in all sizes. I’ve detected gold “nuggets” in sizes ranging from 1 grain to 1 ounce.

Gold nuggets are not 24k gold. They naturally contain silver and copper to varying degrees. 60-90% purity.

However, given your example, my gold detectors would be screaming DIG to me regardless if it was 18k or 24k.

Broken square nail or a boot hob nail falls right in the same category as 18k to 24k gold. 1.5 gram gold coin also.

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I'll give it a shot..... What's meant is that somebody will question about how you came upon possession of said gold nugget or........ coins.

Now straight to the point: If you found something on somebody's else's property are you going to announce this to the world or keep your mouth shut....? If you found it in your front yard then take some pics, video and tell the world.

The Kentucky Hoard was found on the guys own property.... He told the world.
The California couple found cans of gold coins on their own property...

Now if you were just out walking and exploring the woods or pasture and you found a big gold nugget on somebody else's property would you tell the world or post it online for some "schmuck" to question....? OR.... if you were near a small cave entrance and just happened upon two leather bags under 2 flat rocks with one holding 205 gold coins from civil war era... who the hell would you tell or why? That person should keep their mouth shut and sell them off 1 at a time over time.

So I believe the person's point was if you didn't find it on YOUR property then somebody else could question where did you take it from.
Well if the word gets out, or you are caught detecting on someone else’s land without permission..the land owner wouldn’t be the schmuck…

I agree with keeping it quiet about finding gold nuggets. But not because I would be afraid someone would tell me to give it back.

I'll give it a shot..... What's meant is that somebody will question about how you came upon possession of said gold nugget or........ coins.

Now straight to the point: If you found something on somebody's else's property are you going to announce this to the world or keep your mouth shut....? If you found it in your front yard then take some pics, video and tell the world.

The Kentucky Hoard was found on the guys own property.... He told the world.
The California couple found cans of gold coins on their own property...

Now if you were just out walking and exploring the woods or pasture and you found a big gold nugget on somebody else's property would you tell the world or post it online for some "schmuck" to question....? OR.... if you were near a small cave entrance and just happened upon two leather bags under 2 flat rocks with one holding 205 gold coins from civil war era... who the hell would you tell or why? That person should keep their mouth shut and sell them off 1 at a time over time.

So I believe the person's point was if you didn't find it on YOUR property then somebody else could question where did you take it from.

I may have missed it but was the question based on a person finding this treasure on their own property?

I think it’s fair to assume a very small percentage of found valuables come from the finders own property.

Let’s assume your swinging at the local levy, it’s your fifth time out there, you’ve invest nearly 30 hours scouring the area and you find a 4 oz nugget. You are so excited people not far away notice and inquire, you show them what you’ve found. Word spreads like wild fire, next the news wants to cover your find. Some small town bureaucrat takes notice and finds some obscure rule / law to try and strip you of your find.

We live in a world where “public officials” will order a barn / house removed over easement infractions or some other nonsense that is a total BS issue. It’s about the officials narcissistic ego hidden behind a desire to follow the regulations.

Maybe I am Jaded. Scratch that, I AM JADED! . I deal with city and county officials on building permits and inspections. While the vast majority are totally worthwhile and centered on public safety I have had insane interactions over the most petty crap. These things can only be chocked up to a need to satisfy the inspectors ego.

Our world is not black and white. Never has been. If your find is not on your own property and on “public lands” I’d keep my trap shut.

Agree with your last paragraph.

When it comes to searching for gold nuggets or gold veins out west, “public land” is typically USFS or BLM land. I’m not typically searching the city park for a gold vein.

So it’s legal to detect or find a chunk of gold on BLM and USFS lands as long as someone else doesn’t own the mineral estate. Still better to not spread the word because other folks will start searching the same area.

I’ve spent more than a few hours actually digging up gold nuggets and found that they come in all sizes. I’ve detected gold “nuggets” in sizes ranging from 1 grain to 1 ounce.

Gold nuggets are not 24k gold. They naturally contain silver and copper to varying degrees. 60-90% purity.

However, given your example, my gold detectors would be screaming DIG to me regardless if it was 18k or 24k.

Broken square nail or a boot hob nail falls right in the same category as 18k to 24k gold. 1.5 gram gold coin also.
See now there is a difference.
Being that you're using a gold detector vs a regular detector.
Yes both will detect.
Though there's less actual IDing a target when it comes to a gold mode/gold detector?
You are saying that you are possibly digging Hob nails, where as most other detectors
would Discriminate them out.

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