Aluminum Cans


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Mar 12, 2005
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This may seem like a dumb question but, here goes.

My daughter and I decided to start saving and recycling aluminum cans for the cash. We use very little of them, so we will have to look and find them. What are good places to find them in bulk?? We want to find alot, of course.

Thanks in advance,


look around athletic fields in the spring and summer months, the river or local fishing hole, lovers lane etc..

Hoff out

check with some of the local bars. sometimes they sell beer in cans and have tons of cans to get rid of. when i was a kid me and my brother used to save cans for extra money. also state and county parks after 4th of july and labor/memorial day celebrations. some of those picnic pavilions will be loaded with cans after peoples parties.

Around here, we see a lot of cans tossed from the horse trails!


Old country roads or even at the local car wash.

You could take a couple of old broomsticks and mount a nail on the end so you don't have to bend and pick them up, this will also keep snakes, spiders and such away from you.

You could even ask friends and family members to save them for you, afterall it's good for your pocket and good for the environment.

Take care and have fun!


if you want to save Aluminum cans you might as well as go for the good stuff. what me and my friend do is go looking around in the woods, find where people and factories dumped their garbage before they had the town pick it up. i remember in the summer we made $90 in copper pipes that we found in a old dump. it took all of 30 mins to find them an carry them out, then we took them right to the dealer and got the cash. not bad for a days work!

Country roads (dirt ones) are good. I was telling my husband last week while riding the ATV I'd make more money if I picked up cans at the rate my MD hunting is going! I think it is a great idea you, and your, daughter have. It serves two purposes....cleans up the environment and recycles.....and you get paid for doing it! Sounds like a winner to me.

Pepper :)

I was tired last evening and forgot to mention that my wife, son, daughter and I save aluminum cans and usually make between $35.00 and $50.00 a month. We are not big soda drinkers either, we just keep an eye out and walk the country roads.
We started just to recycle, then we realized it was a good way to build our son and daughters bank accounts and great exercise.

Copper is another valuable metal to recycle, we've had alot of renovating to do on our current farmhouse and the one we are building. Every little piece of wire that is left over or done away with is stripped and put in a five gallon bucket for recycling. The last time I checked it was $1.95 a pound.

Also, if you have walnut trees close you can save them and there are places that will by them, it's only 10 to 15 cents a pound, but it adds up. I think Dylan and Kylie made about $20.00 from them this past fall and it was good exercise and it teaches them a good days work.

Have fun and take care!


Thanks all, lots of good ideas here.

Lonnie, speaking of walnuts. When I lived further down in the valley, I had a small forest of walnuts. The Mennonites buy them here every fall. You take a load to them, and they had a stripper to pull the hulls off. Then they were weighed and they paid ya for em. It was hard work, but it paid off.

I was big into scrapping at one time, actually for several years. That's been awhile, though. I'm excited about getting back into it!!!!


around my area this is what we are getting for metal:
Aluminum 60 cents a pound
Brass 1.50 a pound
Copper #2 2.25 a pound
copper #1 bright copper, 2.70 a pound
iron 7.5 cents a pound
lead 40 cents a pound
stainless 65 cents a pound

Digginman said:
This may seem like a dumb question but, here goes.

My daughter and I decided to start saving and recycling aluminum cans for the cash. We use very little of them, so we will have to look and find them. What are good places to find them in bulk?? We want to find alot, of course.

Thanks in advance,


Keep your eyes out for house refurbishing projects. aluminum windows being pulled out are worth money. i just had a couple windows put in and the installer told me he makes about $200 per month on his pull outs. but, he doesn't mention it to the homeowners. we were just talking. the windows belong to the homeowner and not the installer. so, first thing you do when you see a refurbish.. go right to the door and ask if you can have the alumnum frames. the glass can be broken out on a tarp and put into the trash, then you bend up the frame and take it with you.

i tell you this because i was a bit annoyed that the installer wasn' telling the homeowners and just profiting off of their aluminum. so, if YOU ask the homeowner, you are at least more deserving the way i see it.

There is a place behind my work where the window installers pick up there windows for the day. Every morning they throw the previous days windows in a big open top dumpster and the pick up the new ones. Every morning like clockwork there is a gentleman that comes by and gets into the dumpster and pulls out the aluminum windows. He breaks out the glass and cleans the aluminum right there. afterwards he sweeps up after himself. I have watched him and most times he will leave with a pickup load of aluminum.

You basically need to go where a lot of people congregate (parks, ballbarks, etc)

here is another dumb question .. were do you go to sell the aluminum ??


Aluminum can float!!! This may seem to be obvious but it is important to remember when trying to locate a lot of aluminum cans people have thrown out. When checking along highways and roads be sure to check drainage culverts, pipes, road shoulder runoffs and so on. Rain water runoff will congregate a lot of trash at the ends of these culverts including the aluminum cans. Some of these have screens on them to keep trash going onto private property. The screens seive out a lot of cans as a result.

I have published a recycling manual called "The Layman's Guide to Scrap Metal Recycling." I sell it for $30 on ebay in my store, HyderConsultingandRecycling. A complete description of the manual is listed there. Please consider buying it for it has all the details of selling scrap metal when one is just starting out. Regards, Chris Hyder.

P.S. You can also contact me directly by email or phone about the manual if you so desire. Cell phone: 423-715-4828

[size=20pt]MUG A BAG LADY! They are a great source for aluminum cans![/size]

does anyone know the going rate on Aluminum in Washington near Vancouver / Portland Oregon
and were to go to sell it ???


USTiger said:
does anyone know the going rate on Aluminum in Washington near Vancouver / Portland Oregon
and were to go to sell it ???

use google maps

USTiger mtro metals on columbia in portland. Call them for a price it changes daily. wardon

Ok, it takes a while to find your "hot spots" but just pay attention as you go about your everyday activities. Be curious. When you stop at the store look at the parking lot and surroundings. That's good for four or five cans per stop.
People have habits. Every morning they stop and get a Dr Pepper, Coke, etc. and throw the empty out here. ( Usually at an intersection or where they slow down or where they think no one will see them do it.
On the way home, same thing, (maybe beer). These spots are best because of the high concentration of cans in a small area. Also good are truck stops, car washes, hiway exits, backroads and shortcuts. Check em out and return regularly. You will soon find out how long it takes to accumulate enough cans to merit a stop.
Sometimes people will start setting cans out in select spots as they realize someone is gathering them. Over time you can develop a route and things start adding up without too much additional time or effort.
After you sell your cans a couple times and realize the monetery potentential you will become more and more aware of them as you go about your daily activities.
If you have truck, all you have to do is smash a can and throw it in the bed, or better yet put it in a five gallon bucket in the back of the truck.
Most people dont think there is any money in canning. There is and it's all easy if you take your time and pay attention and adjust.

Tell the kids to have fun and think.

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