Antiquarian wrote:
> Where's 'Cannonballguy' when we need him.
I don't open every post in the forum.
About this one...
1- I'm not "into" late-1700s/very-early 1800s pewter buttons... so I don't know them as well as I do 1820-1890s brass buttons.
2- I figured I'm not the only person in the forum who owns an Albert button-book.
One of the few problems about the Albert book is, it's kinda short on photos of vest/cuff-size buttons. That's probably because far fewer of the latter were manufactured than the coat-size ones. (Also, remember, Mr. Albert was collecting NON-EXCAVATED buttons, in the mid-1900s before metal-detecting became a popular hobby... he died before seeing the variations we've dug in the past 40 years.) The book sometimes mentions the existence of a vest or cuff version of a button shown in the book, but doesn't show the vest/cuff version. That is the case with Ajaj's vest/cuff buttons.
The smaller versions of the coat-size buttons often vary in the details of the emblem on the coat-size. So, it's not possible for us to figure out with CERTAINTY which coat-size is the "mate" to a particular vest-cuff button.
In view of the facts above, I'll summarize:
Ajaj is able to micro-examine the small details on his vest/cuff buttons WHILE LOOKING AT THE BOOK, which is better than we can do by looking at posted photos. Therefore, if he feels they are "closest" to Albert's GI-32-R1c, that's probably the most accurate judgement it's possible top make. I do wish I could be more helpful, but... what I've said in this post is all I can do.