Al Jazeera. New American Political Party.


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Apr 3, 2006
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I am really surprised that Aljazeera has now become a political party in America. But here is the dealio for me. I don't care if hanoi jane or tokyo rose have a major foothold in America. What I care about is that we have the ability to look at the other side of the story equally.

Personally I don't think Americans have the morality to see the difference anymore. But I would like them to have the chance. Let's see a little more equal time, HUH?

I'll not watch or listen to it. Wonder why Hitler or Tojo didn't have their own radio programs in this country during WWII. This is stupid. Oh yeah, we aren't at war with muslims, then who the heck are we at war with? I don't want to hear their side or learn a thing about their religion, and I don't care how narrow minded some of you liberals might think I am, your progressive commie ideas mean nothing to me and I don't want to hear them either, and frankly I have to stop now, because if I really tell what's on my mind the mod's will take it down.

Well I will say this, I got fox on, and they are almost a laugh riot! :laughing7:
Earlier Shep shows the yr old video, the prez, our red line, theirs going to be ENORMOUS CONSEQUENCES! Right? :icon_scratch:
Well guess what those consequence are? More aid! LOL! I almost spit my ice tea out! LAWL!
These guys should be working for Lettermen, and whoever those other late night comedians are! :laughing7:

And WHO was that white house spokesman responding to the reporter, in regards to it?
OMG, I have never seen such a bad cya job, that said absolutely nothing, in all my life! Someone please tell me, where are they getting these ppl from? :BangHead: Even the reporter said something like, "Yep, that's why we are so respected in the world"! :BangHead: :laughing7:
That WH spokesman could not have convinced me, that I would need tp, after my "morning constitution"! :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

There was one woman on there, and she was questioning WHY, is a member of the MB, sitting in a prominent position in our US government, and has direct influence as to foreign relations? She said, she believed the American ppl have a RIGHT to know.
I agree with her. (I can't remember the guys name, wasn't an American name, some of you that know these things, check it out).
Enlighten me, please! :dontknow:

These news comedy shows needs a theme song, imho! LOL!
They all twist and shout....... the media, the politicians, the government agencyies, the non-government agencies,
it's getting hard to tell, which one does it best! :laughing7:

Yep, the villain's on the cover, the victims somewhere in between. sad

Out of curiosity I've watched al-Jazeera when I've been overseas, I never saw anyone on-air who wasn't white and they never once mentioned Islam, I don't think you've got anything to fret about.

Then I guess you know that nothing they broadcast is actually free of opinion? It ALL must go through Qatar. The Head honchos here are figureheads.

I did see that some of the News here stated with glee that Al Jazeera never denied global warming! Thank goodness, because they sure get money from somewhere, huh?

Egyptian Al Jazeera Staffers Resign to Protest Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Bias

"Mahmoud, now the former anchor at Egypt's Al Jazeera news operation, said that "the management of [Al Jazeera] in Doha [Qatar] provokes sedition among the Egyptian people and has an agenda against Egypt and other Arab countries." At every broadcast, Mahmoud said "there are instructions to us to telecast certain news" that casts the Muslim Brotherhood in a favorable light."

Their aim is the destruction of america from within. They are aligned with and support Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups.

Some people are so naive they will hand them this country on a silver platter....

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Their aim is the destruction of america from within. They are aligned with and support Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups.

Some people are so naive they will hand them this country on a silver platter....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

That is QUITE a claim to make. Proof?

That is QUITE a claim to make. Proof?

They support the Muslim Brotherhood whose goal is to destroy america as we know it from within and to install Muslim law in America...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Israel thinks there could be a problem with Al Jazeera? This was a couple of years ago, but the network has washed and hidden it's image while leading up to the point that it is palatable to some Americans with short memories.

Al Jazeera: Muslim Brotherhood's Secret Weapon? - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

"The pan-Arabic network al-Jazeera is based in and funded by Qatar, a stronghold for the Muslim Brotherhood.

"They are twisting, they are distorting and we know very well that they are under a very heavy influence of the Muslim Brothers," Mazel added. "The director general of al-Jazeera, Wadah Khanfar is a Muslim Brother."
Many believed the demonstrators have legitimate grievances and a significant number don't support the Muslim Brotherhood.
However, according to Mazel, an Arabic speaker, al Jazeera isn't just reporting the possible overthrow of Mubarak, they've encouraged his overthrow in order to aid the Muslim Brotherhood.
"This is for me, not journalism," he said. "It's not freedom of press. It is a weapon in the service of Muslim Brothers. It's very bad." "

Hillary and McCain boost Al-Jazeera’s bonafides
By Shoebat Foundation on August 22, 2013 in Blog, General

As if they needed to do anymore, both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) have boosted their pro-Muslim Brotherhood bona-fides by supporting stealth jihad. In an Al-Jazeera America promo used to help launch the stealth Muslim Brotherhood network on August 20th, comments by Clinton and McCain were featured.

When it comes to McCain and Hillary, consider Huma Abedin, an extremely close aid to Clinton for many years. Abedin’s family is up to its eyeballs in Muslim Brotherhood affiliations. When Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) expressed a desire to look into this last year, one of the loudest voices against her was ‘friendly’ fire from McCain, who chastised Bachmann and defended Abedin with lies. Hillary lauded McCain for doing so.

Meanwhile, as Al-Jazeera America gets a boost from McCain and Clinton, Egypt’s new government – which McCain and Hillary obviously don’t like – is giving serious consideration to banning Al-Jazeera from Egypt.

Beginning at the 2:04 mark, Hillary gushes over Al-Jazeera before calling it “real news”. Shortly thereafter, McCain touts Al-Jazeera for making “a contribution”. The rest of the video is worth watching – if you can stomach it – to see the wide swath of dhimmis that exist in America. There are plenty of people out there who are literally clueless when it comes to the stealth Jihad that is being waged against them by the Muslim Brotherhood television network:


One of the things that surprises me the most is how the resident left hates big oil. And Al Jazeera is run by the ultimate in BIG oil with absolutely no accountability in this country. Now how will Maxine Waters Sociali,, err, uhm take control,, uhm make government the new boss of this company?

It nearly seems like the left would be screaming about it, But, Just like Gore, It doesn't matter unless it matters who we need to control.

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