Agenda 21 and the Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy: an introduction

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Agenda 21 and the Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy: an introduction

truther June 27, 2013

Julie Beal

Once upon a time, we worried about a possible New World Order. A plan to create a One World Government. We read books and watched films that gave us glimpses of what was coming. These days we can feel it is already here, as each day the tales of tyranny come thick and fast.

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Agenda 21 and the Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy: an introduction
truther June 27, 2013 0

One must make a new system that makes the old system obsolete. — Buckminster Fuller

Julie Beal

Once upon a time, we worried about a possible New World Order. A plan to create a One World Government. We read books and watched films that gave us glimpses of what was coming. These days we can feel it is already here, as each day the tales of tyranny come thick and fast.

Agenda 21 and the Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy an introduction

Big Brother breathes hotly down our necks.

Yet still there is much dis-unity among us, a fragmentation of interests, which leaves us vulnerable to the whims of those who would control us. Going forward, exposing Agenda 21 must be our focus . . . because there’s a lot more to it than most people realise. Its aim is to replace our current system with (what will be called) a steady state economy. Every single profitable aspect of nature is being priced, in preparation for this system – food, land, water, carbon, the ocean, the atmosphere, soil formation, nutrient cycling, biomass, genetic resources, and, yes, even the tourism value of ‘a nice view’ is being priced – this is but one of many intangibles which are said to have value in the economy, and includes a variety of aesthetic, cultural and spiritual ‘services’ provided by nature.

The Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Climate Change against REDD+ and for Life are living proof of the effects of this system, and proclaim the green economy to be

….. nothing more than capitalism of nature; a perverse attempt by corporations, extractive industries and governments to cash in on Creation by privatizing, commodifying, and selling off the Sacred and all forms of life and the sky, including the air we breathe, the water we drink and all the genes, plants, traditional seeds, trees, animals, fish, biological and cultural diversity, ecosystems and traditional knowledge that make life on Earth possible and enjoyable.

….. Under the green economy, even the rain, the beauty of a waterfall or a honey bee’s pollen will be reduced to a barcode price tag and sold to the highest bidder. At the same time, the green economy promotes and greenwashes environmentally and socially devastating extractive industries like logging, mining and oil drilling as “sustainable development. (Source)

However, Agenda 21 has even more sinister aims – part of the commodification process already includes prices being calculated for ‘Gross National Happiness’. This involves measuring the ‘value’ provided by human capital (a corporation gets much more profit from a fit and happy worker than one who is chubby and depressed!), and social capital (such as having lots of friends!). Measuring the ‘well-being’ of all peoples will require surveillance, and mental and physical profiling, which will then enable computer simulations to make predictions.

Prices are being put on all of these things, even though many of them are not ‘normal’ commodities; because the value of many of the new assets are only concepts, such as ‘happiness’, they are classed as ‘intangibles’. These so-called assets are wide open to statistical manipulation, as are the range of values calculated for water, air, and carbon.

For the steady-state system, defined and imposed on us by the corporate and globalist elites, we will all have to be good little consumers and producers to maintain the prescribed degree of ‘equilibrium’, and avert the ever-present danger of running out. For this, we must be surveilled: measured and assessed for our place in the ecosystem of life.

Agenda 21 is the key to Global Government, one-world religion, one way of life, inched forward with NewSpeak incantations like sustainable development and rights and responsibilities.

The bright ideas of people with good hearts are being subverted to facilitate the ultimate in power – an “eco-fascist” techno-corporatocracy based on eco-social currencies, with the whole system run by a giant quantum computer, which alone can defend the pretense of global climate prediction, and the pretense of ‘managing’ the steady-state system, as it will be the only computer that can.[1]

The Full Agenda

A standardized version of Agenda 21 has been popularised across the alternative media; as a result, most activists understand it to be “a document” designed, in 1992, to be a blueprint for global domination, using sustainable development and zoning. This attack on land and property rights had a history (conservation orders, etc.) and thus immediate implications for a number of researchers, such as George Washington Hunt, Vicky Davis, Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese and many others.

Niki Raapana, and her daughter Nordica, have also worked tirelessly to explore and explain these issues in great detail – especially the communitarian zeitgeist which informs global governance, and its Fabian roots. Raapana has personally experienced community zoning and policing.

Patrick Wood has exposed the link between technocracy and the environmental movement, and the involvement of the global smart grid. He also alerts us to the likelihood of carbon currency being introduced.

Most of the time though, the way Agenda 21 is interpreted is as a way to control humanity by defining where and how we live, through zoning and other restrictions brought about by ‘smart growth’.

This, however, tells only half the story. Apart from communitarianism, smart growth and smart grids, and One Religion for One World, Agenda 21 entails quantifying natural, human, and social capital.

This involves:

Creating a brand new economy from the new capital assets
Surveilling our well-being
Social pressure to be well, be nice, and live sustainably
De-growth (in the West), to ensure balance and avert ‘scarcity’
Ownership of all resources, and even concepts
Genetically modified organisms
Staggeringly large biomass monocultures, such as algae
The façade of community – biozones will feature specialised production clusters, to maximise efficiency. (Source)
Identity management (Source)

Statistical Majik

It’s time now to bring all these threads together, and to see Agenda 21 as the blueprint for the ‘steady state system’, a concept which stems from Fabianism, and has evolved to encompass ecological economics, and the technocratic method. Throughout, we see the influence of the Rockefellers and the Club of Rome – a self-indulgent dogma for the elite, designed to engineer their very own Utopia.[2]

Man’s conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men. There neither is nor can be any simple increase of power on Man’s side. Each new power won by man is a power over man as well. C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man (1943)

The Steady-State System

Agenda 21 is but one strand of a global effort to entirely alter the global system. Our lives are to be scientifically micro-managed in order to ensure ‘balance’ – births are to equal deaths, consumption is to equal production, or at least, that’s what we’ll be told. It’s called a ‘steady state’ system, and nature, and the global stock of human capital, are already being commodified in preparation for this system. The fiat economy is to be replaced with regional, and global, currencies based upon the exchange of energy.

The ‘science’ of caring for the earth, and for each other, will be our new religion. This means counting your carbon as well as your calories, and foregoing self-interest for the sake of future generations.

Earth is being incorporated, and stock taking will entail monitoring all transactions which may affect the overall balance; this requires technocratic management of (the new) capital assets, of identities, and of energy, aka ‘the smartgrid’ and the ‘internet of things’.

The techno-coporatocracy will be overseen by a quantum super-computer, whose decisions cannot be questioned, since there will be no computer more powerful than it. This has already been achieved by the ‘global warming is all about carbon’ heist – the science is settled. From now on, it’s all a question of optimization. Or so they say.

The powerful bankers and corporations who promote the Green Economy have been busy acquiring land and other forms of natural capital for decades, such as through ‘debt-for-nature swaps’. The Smart World Order will use this natural capital to create a perpetual stock of assets, and profit from huge GM biomass monocultures[3], which can be used to make fuel, paint, plastic, etc., and perpetuate the myth of maintaining a ‘balanced ecosystem’, such as through the Cradle to Cradle® scheme[4]. Most of these monocultures will be in the ‘developing world’, where the infrastructure is being upgraded, to make the production line more efficient. As this is achieved, the workers need to be kept just as ‘happy’ as their Western counterparts, as this is an essential requirement of optimal production. As Alan Watt has described, all we need is a smart-phone, so we can be kept happy and distracted from our ‘austerity’, but tracked and traced for the global economy and homeland security.

Thus the owners and over-seers will continue their rampage of destruction, and call it caring for the earth. The theories of the steady state economy will merely be used to justify and control further plunder of the earth’s resources. There’s no doubt, after all, that the earth is being despoiled, so it is all the more shocking that the billionaires and very-unsustainable corporations have been allowed to control the green agenda, and milk it for all it’s worth. We’re never gonna know when we’re ‘in equilibrium’, because we will never be able to find out. The knowledge will be in the hands of the quantum controllers, the ones who are profiting from controlling that information, and the ones who own the natural resources.

Although most of the people who have advanced the environmental movement to its current state are likely honourable and caring, it is untenable to claim the same can be said of the hordes of mega-rich who have financed and promoted the cause. They have taken the ideas of people with passion, and used them to extend, promote, and defend the consolidation of power that comes with the acquisition of natural resources.

Re-read the Georgia Guidestones with the steady state system in mind!


[1] In a TED talk on quantum computing, Michelle Simmons indicates the power of these computers, measured by ‘qubits’: “30 qubits is more powerful than a supercomputer but ….. 300 quibits would be more powerful than all the computers in the world connected together”. This indicates the advantage held by Google, NASA, and the non-profit Universities Space Research Association (USRA) who are now running the new 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer. (Source)

[2] Articles to follow this will (i) explain and critique steady-state economics; (ii) postulate on ‘the next revolution’, based on natural capital and biomass for the ‘circular economy’, and (iii) attempt a full history of Agenda 21, a sort of ‘before and after’ (over a century), which sets it in context, explaining how it came about and, more importantly, who has funded it.

[3] There is even scope to classify nuclear energy as ‘renewable’; so beware of the label ‘cleantech’!

[4] The Cradle-to-Cradle ® design, part of the ‘circular economy’ idea, includes biomass in its certification, and is used to excuse planned obsolescence.

We'll call the government the "Federation" and since there won't be anyone to fight, there will be universal health care, money will be replaced by credits and all worthy kids will go to Star Fleet Academy. Ah, we're getting there. Live long and prosper Red...:dontknow:

Blow up your teevee, throw away your paper, move to the country, buy yourself a farm.

Plant a little garden, Eat a lot of peaches

Try to find Jesus,

On your own.

Many thanks to John Prine for that song.

We'll call the government the "Federation" and since there won't be anyone to fight, there will be universal health care, money will be replaced by credits and all worthy kids will go to Star Fleet Academy. Ah, we're getting there. Live long and prosper Red...:dontknow:

Weee....eell - fight and die or live; what a choice for humans to have to make.

Here's a tougher one: Live your life for you and your family or as a slave for someone else.

What to do..................................

Dying on your feet beats the hell out of living on your knees.Then again theres most likely a lot of people who think living on their knees is living.Being under somebodies whip and whims isnt my thing.I'm my own man and it will stay that way.

Gotta figger out who your real friends are.

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