Noisy machine, you want to run the F75 noisy, you either get used to it, or not.
As I walk into the park I just barley turn on the F75 and the birds go silent. Then the minivans arrive with the moms and kids, who just have to be in front of me and my wood chips tot lot. But no fear, I switch to all metal and hit the field area, but what do I see, a bunch of lady's with strollers doing stroller aerobics and they are coming right at me. So I get down and dirty, high gain, jewelry mode, and I go fast as I can, I only stop for the one, I live for the one, and die for the one, the one sound I know is silver.......then I go to another park and do it all over again lol. You want features, a machine you can be king with, and know it will hunt. I can do the same thing with my vintage bounty hunter. Get out there and swing.