
Tesoro Vaquero :icon_thumright:

I second the Vaquero. :icon_thumright:

Dang you guys are starting to make me wonder if I got the wrong Tesoro !:dontknow: Got new head sets yesterday to replace the ones lost to fire. Will see if I can interpret sounds any better now. Send good weather please!

Get Digging!

What are the benefits or things that set the tesoros apart?

Tesoro Vaquero will have great depth, fantastic discrimination, great battery life & it's very light. My biggest complaint with the Tesoros I've used is they feel like cheap toys. Lots of wobble in the shafts & knobs have more play in them than I like too. That said, Tesoro also offers a life time warranty on their detectors so if you ever do break one or it goes bad, it gets fixed/replaced.

One of the other things about most Tesoros is that don't have a display. They are a beep and dig machine. Some see this as a positive some don't and prefer to have a display with varying degrees of info.

I went from tracker4 to a tesoro vaquero and was dissapoined to say the least. If it had more than one tone and didn't squeak when swung I might use it but it sits in closet. Go to kellco and compare features of vaquero mtx and atpro. Your on the right track.

Dirtscratcher is right. Get a machine with a display that jumps all over the place when a coin is by trash. This way you can leave the coins in the ground so that we can come by with our display less Tesoro's and hit the jackpot.

Someone also suggested a Minelab Safari.......sounds like pickup trucks......everyone has their own brand.

Rainyday if one tone does it for you thats great. Its funny you talk about your tesoro following metered machines around finding the jackpot. I have owned my vaquero 4 years and can say I used it for the first year exclusively. Kept reading how good it was but didn't materialize for me. Found 2 silver coins and 12 to 15 wheats. A month after buying a used explorer for less money than the vaquero, started finding more old coins on good days than the whole year with the tesoro.

I like my VDI screen on my F75. It also has a quick recovery time so you dont get the jerky screen numbers. I have found dimes under a pulltab at 7" inches. I get all the numbers. I also listen and not just watch the screen. Some places the screen will lie to you.There is times the sound of a solid hit will make me dig. I like features. My VDI screen is just a feature. Any machine you buy will do coins. I wouldn't mind trying either one of those machines, or any machine mentioned here. You should dig any solid hit.

Dirtscratcher, sorry you did not like the V. I guess we all have our own preferences. If you want to sell the V, PM me. I would be glad to take it off your hands.

Both are very good machines. I have the MXT PRO with the 10x12 SEF coil and love it. If you are hunting coins then a machine with a VDI is a plus. You can tell whether your target is a coin or trash by the VDI number. For relic hunting I don't use my VDI as I hunt by tone only. Also they have several tones so coins will be a high tone and trash a low tone. Unfortunately if you want to find rings you are going to have to dig the trash signals because they sound the same. Unless it is a silver ring then they will sound like quarters with a high tone. My hunting partner has the AT PRO and he does very well with it. It is more of a preference as to which machine you like. Find one that you like and not what someone tells you to get. We can only tell people what we like. Everyone is different. Remember..... some like Fords and other like Chevy's. Just because someone really likes the Ford you may like the Chevy better. GET WHAT YOU LIKE.

Get the whites and put a 4x6 coil on it or a 6x10 coil there's nothing you will miss bro:icon_thumright:

I love my MXT for coin and Jewlery or relic hunting. It's built solid and well balanced that I pack it on m motorcycle and get out in the back woods with no issues. I have found some nice stuff with it and it locks on gold!

Neither one.

I would chose a Vaquero or a Teknetics Omega 8000, both good machines. All the above are entirely different types of metal detectors though. If you want F75-like performance get the Omega or F5, it's close to it. If you like things SMOOTH and STABLE, get the Vaquero (if) you don't have harsh soil. If you prefer to play with gadgets and knobs, buy the MXT (or especially) the F5. If you like a noisy detector in high black sand soil with a jumpy needle, get the MXT.

The At Pro is still having problems of various sorts, so it's a gamble, plus the MXT outdoes it, and the Omega does even better, inland, unless you are hunting gold nuggets. If you hunt gold nuggets or small gold jewelry, get the Fisher Gold Bug Pro and it may well find you more gold than any of the others above. If you hunt salt water beaches, buy a CZ 21 or second choice a Minelab Sovereign GT, if you can afford one. I normally don't suggest a Minelab because they are usually not worth the price for what you get. :icon_thumright:


(AKA "EasyMoney")

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Noisy machine, you want to run the F75 noisy, you either get used to it, or not.

As I walk into the park I just barley turn on the F75 and the birds go silent. Then the minivans arrive with the moms and kids, who just have to be in front of me and my wood chips tot lot. But no fear, I switch to all metal and hit the field area, but what do I see, a bunch of lady's with strollers doing stroller aerobics and they are coming right at me. So I get down and dirty, high gain, jewelry mode, and I go fast as I can, I only stop for the one, I live for the one, and die for the one, the one sound I know is silver.......then I go to another park and do it all over again lol. You want features, a machine you can be king with, and know it will hunt. I can do the same thing with my vintage bounty hunter. Get out there and swing.

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