I've ready through SEVERAL topics on here on the ace250, and finally decided to just keep it on ALL METAL mode with the sensitivity all the way up when detecting. I went out for my first time today, and found NOTHING but JUNK all day long. I never switched it to any other mode, but ALL metal...is there a way to eliminate trash? Can you pick up sounds you normally can't hear with headphones? I went to a school built in 1916, and found a few coins around the baseball field, but mostly newer. Went to the playground and found several quarters, clad, but nothing old or worth mentioning. I did go by an old civil war campground and found an odd looking piece, which is in the picture I have attached. But can someone PLEASE give me tips on how to use my ACE250 on eliminating trash and what sensitivity levels and sounds I should be listening for in order to find things?! ANY HELP would be GREATLY appreciated.
Here is the OLD looking metal piece I came across in the field.
Here is the OLD looking metal piece I came across in the field.
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