northeast hunter

Bronze Member
Mar 21, 2005
well i got out today first time in a month...hit a huge parking lot i would say its about 55 acres no kidding...this pic shows only half of the was a cold 38 degrees..i did find a 53 Rosie and a 44 wheat
i also found 4 quarters..12 dimes..1 nickel..and 25 penny's...and some tacks..a New Hampshire toll token..and this ace of spades key chain? to bad it's in half..hope you all had a good summer and for all you down south keep us going through the winter up here and? get out and post some finds for us


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Nice finds, Your grounds look just like mine. They look hard and dry.

Good Luck Jer

i talked to some guy who has lived there for a long time he say's that the parking lot is 30 years old..i think that silver may have been from a seeded hunt that was and left behind

I live in Deerfield. There is a big fair grounds here. I wonder, you think it would be okay to hunt there? Where do you live? I noticed today when I was in Epsom, that they have moved alot of dirt around the old town hall on Rte 4. I guess they are putting a new library behind it. That should be a interesting spot to hunt, ya think? Was that the Hopkington fairgrounds?,, are fairgrounds public property?
Be Well...

Nice finds...............Looks like a large area to cover hunt it hard hunt it slow should make for years of gread MDing


ashleen + ralph said:
I live in Deerfield. There is a big fair grounds here. I wonder, you think it would be okay to hunt there?? Where do you live?? I noticed today when I was in Epsom, that they have moved alot of dirt around the old town hall on Rte 4. I guess they are putting a new library behind it. That should be a interesting spot to hunt, ya think?? ?Was that the Hopkington fairgrounds?,,? are fairgrounds public property?? ?
Be Well...
yes its ok to hunt...yes it is is state property and you need no permits in new hamshire..YET..the folks that live around there are just happy to see pepole can walk right in side the fairgrounds...but when i went inside someone had hit it hard and that's why i hit the parking lot..i live just south of Concord..and i did see that new library spot in should hit it..i have had good luck with dirt piles

Can't believe your temps! It was 92 here today, in the low 80s when I went out this morning. We don't get our first freeze until after Haloween and during the winter we have several 70 degree days if the sun shines. I can't fathom not being able to hunt in the winter! It usually starts out below freezing in the morning and by afternoon it's in the 40's nearly all winter here. Will be thinking about you in about February! JIM

yea Jim get this it was 38 sunday morning and 92 on Monday after noon...welcome to new will keep me from going insane this winter with all your finds

Hey, good going. This is my first post although my friend was on 9-01-05 with a story and photos from our civil war hunting trip. Look under beating summer heat for civil war goodies. I am the lucky guy in his story !

tsgman said:
Hey, good going.? This is my first post although my friend was on 9-01-05 with a story and photos from our civil war hunting trip.? Look under beating summer heat for civil war goodies.? I am the lucky guy in his story !
HAY tsgman welcome to the forum is that post under today's finds?

Hey Northeast Hunter. Let's not rush to winter. I figure I still have two and a half months to detect. Detected last year on December 1st, although I had to chop through some frozen top soil. Found four indian heads in one spot.
I know what you mean about the long winter. I have started to put together all my displays and put together my pictures of my finds during the winter. Helps a lot. Also make my contacts for spring and do my research at town hall. Not as good as detecting, but certainly beats watching TV.
Congrats on your finds...Lance

jimmileo said:
Can't believe your temps!? It was 92 here today,? in the low 80s when I went out this morning.? ?We don't get our first freeze until after Haloween and during the winter we have several 70 degree days if the sun shines.? I can't fathom not being able to hunt in the winter!? It usually starts out below freezing in the morning and by afternoon it's in the 40's nearly all winter here.? Will be thinking about you in about February!? JIM
Well Jim the best part about those cold mornings is you dont sweat and there are no hornets,mosquitos os any creepy little insects around.

Nice job and great finds..........

A good thing about that large parking lot is now that you have a place to detect when conditions are too dry to be plugging parks and lawns. Its also a nice place where grass restoration isn't crucial.

GL & HH,


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